Gordon has been really sassy lately. Most of the time it is not funny but sometimes it really is. Like the other night. We had to go pick up daddy's car at work so he could drive to Twin Falls tomorrow. We left it there over the weekend because he came home with us. It was getting close to bed time so Gordon was trying to stall. He wanted to go for a drive and he was telling us where to go. We obliged for about 5 minutes but then I started telling him we needed to get home. Here is our conversation:
G: I am in charge and I make decisions
M: No, I am the boss.
G: No, we are going this way
M: Okay, how about we go over the big hill and then we will go home.
G: Okay, but I am not going to bed
M: You don't have to go to sleep but you do have to get in your bed
G: I will just get out of my bed
M: Then I will put you back in bed with no books
G: I will just get out of bed again
M: Then I will give you vinegar
G: Then I will throw up on you.
M: Then I will give you a spanking
G: Then I will give you a spanking
I couldn't help but laugh. Then I told him that I was in charge and he better do as I say or else...