Saturday, November 13, 2010

Better Late than Never

Gordon's party was monster themed and it was perfect because all the Halloween stuff was 75% off. I found this invitation online and changed it to suite our party:
I printed off some Yo Gabba Gabba monster masks and had the kids color them and add different things to them. Then we practiced being really scary monsters. We made scary faces, stomped, and made scary noises. Then we played Hide-n-Scare. Half the kids hid while the other kids looked for them and then they jumped out and made scary faces!
 All the kids making scary faces. Now the story behind the cupcakes. I found these cupcakes in the Fall issue of Taste of Home and that is what started this monster themed party. Well, we had the party planned and everything was ready, including the cupcakes and then Gordon woke up sick (vomiting). So we cancelled the party and ended up throwing away a lot of cupcakes. Well, Chris insisted that we make the cupcakes again and try for the party the next week.
 I wasn't so sure I wanted to make all those cupcakes again! But it actually turned out easier the second time. The kids absolutely loved them. And Gordon even got to help create some with the left over supplies.

At the end we had them follow the green monster footprints to find their goody bags. I just bought a bunch of Halloween stuff (spiders, googly eye glasses...) and I made some slime and put them each in a ziploc bag. All in all it was a successful party.


Hilarie said...

Looks like it was a great party, the cupcakes are awesome!

The Staley Family said...

Those cupcakes are amazing! What lucky parents he has. Sounds like you guys did a great job.

The Whipples said...

Wow what a sweet party!!! What an amazing mom you are

Katie said...

Such a great mom!

Sean and Kyla said...

oh my gosh. Emily. You are amazing!!!! Your boys are sooo handsome (read the other blog on Edison too) and too funny! And holy cow, those cupcakes are soooo awesome. Man, I hope I am half as creative and fun as you when I'm a mom...speaking of which did you know (via facebook/blog) I'm pregnant? Well I am. I'm due September 4th. We're very excited. Anyway, before I start writing a full blown letter, let me end by saying you and your family are so awesome.

Tina said...

AWESOME cupcakes!! Looks like it was lots of fun. Gordon looks like he was having a ball will all of his friends too! Miss you!