Wow, it has been a long time. Sorry to all my dedicated readers (I like to pretend there are some out there). This is what I have been up to:
Chris decided it would be best to go live with his brother this summer and help him build a house. I guess I knew it would be best too I just didn't want to face the reality of what that meant for me--a whole summer without my husband! Now I am sure for some of you that doesn't sound so terrible but as I mentioned in a previous post, my husband helps me out A TON! So Chris decided that he could come home on most weekends and he thought that would be enough to keep me sane. I don't think so! I decided I would rather live with my parents for the summer and seeing as how they only live 45 minutes from where Chris's brother lives then he could also come "home" on lets say Wednesday. Sounds good right? Well, it hasn't exactly worked like that. Not only has Chris not come back to us on Wednesdays but he also has not come home on weekends. The past two weeks he has been ripping up carpet and refinishing the hard wood floors underneath that carpet in his brothers old house. And since he is doing this throughout the house, Katie, his sister-in-law and her three kids have been kicked out and are living with her parents. (Is this starting to be little too confusing?) Anyway, he thought it would be best to work straight through and get it down so the family could move back in. On top of that, Gordon is LOVING it here (although he does miss his friends). Now you might ask yourself how is that a bad thing? Well, my parents live on a good-sized piece of land right on the edge of a canyon and I cannot for the life of me keep that boy inside! I am feeding Edison and he just opens the door and walks right outside. I think for the most part he stays around the house really well but it still makes me nervous. So I am just adjusting to life here and I'm sorry I don't have anything more interesting to post but I WILL try to keep up on my postings from now on. I will be gone for a week at a family reunion next week. We are camping. I am excited and a little nervous too. I am leaving with my parents on Monday and Chris isn't coming till Wednesday so hopefully those first two days won't be too traumatizing!
Oh and I finally figured out how to add a left sidebar but I can't change the color of the background or the text so you can't really see it. Can anyone help me?
"Over the years I have learned that motherhood is much like an austere religious order, the joining of which obligates one to relinquish all claims to personal possessions." -- Nancy Stahl
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
Exploding Paints
The other day I thought I was being such a good mom. I made homemade paints with Gordon (just flour, water, and food coloring--great for teaching about mixing colors) put them in these cheap little bottles and let him squirt them out all over this box. 
He had great fun doing it and I was really feeling good about myself for doing some "artsy" thing with my son. Well, the next day he asked to paint again and so I got the paints down out of the cupboard and saw that one of them had exploded! It had leaked out all over and the others looked like they were about to do the same. When I opened them they made that sound like a lot of air pressure being released and the smell was awful! Is it just me...I mean I don't know what would have caused them to do this. Its just water, flour and food coloring. The only thing I could think of was that it had to be some chemicals or something in the food coloring. Anyway, Gordon really liked to do it so I guess next time we will just not make as much and have to use it all in one day.
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