I have liked country music now for about a year or so but I need some new songs. I am sick of playing the same 40 songs over and over again. So of course I enlist your help. What else is the Blogging community for except to help each other through our crises. Am I right Ladies? Anywho, tell me who your favorite hidden artists are, songs you sing in the shower, old songs you used to love, tell me everything. I mean I obviously know who Taylor Swift is and Rascal Flatts, I mean
obviously!! Oh, and go ahead and throw in any songs (not country) that you LOVE to listen to. Please do not include any songs that have lyrics: "Sssh baby, shut your lips, do the Helen Keller and talk with your hips." Dead serious, heard it on the radio today taking Gordon to Pre-school.
ahahaha I know what song you are talking about I was like..."What the??? Wha??? Seriously!" But that song got in my head and some parts are really catchy...but the line you wrote down makes me want to gag.
Anywho...I LOVE country too...but I am sure you know all the stuff that I like in that genre.
I have a couple songs up on my page (not country at the moment) but I love them.
But I love country...I want my life to feel like a good country song...when I imagine my life in the future I imagine it being like some of my favorite country songs sound...if that makes sense. I wouldn't mind being cowboys either!
I am def. going to come back to this post to see what others suggest...I love new music suggestions.
How about "She thinks my tractors sexy" ha ha. I'm not big into country but I heard it a lot growing up in a little hick town. I used to listen to Diamond Rio and Garth Brooks. My best friend was in love with Dolly Parton. It's amazing we remained friends he he j/k
Believe me- I turned into a hardcore country fan my Junior and Senior years and was made fun of by my family for it.. but I love it more than ever now.
Some of my favorites are:
Josh Turner
James Taylor
Miranda Lambert
Bryan White
George Strait
Vince Gill
(Youtube these guys and decide for yourself!)
I'm not a huge country fan, but there are a few albums that I love... I grew up on Country, actually, 'cause my mom is a huge fan! Ok, here it goes:
Dixie Chicks: Home
Dixie Chicks: Fly
Shania Twain: Come on Over
That's all I can think of on the spot...
Ok, I just have to rant about that song!!!! I don't know what to say other than WHAT?!?!??!?! and HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been so full of disgust ever. (ok I probably have) but still...my upper lip inevitably curls every time I hear that song..and then I change the channel uber fast...man I hate that song..
anyway..I'll have to get back to you on the music..I've been thinking too much about how much I hate that song. :)
I like cleaning house to the Dixie Chicks. I also like some of Collin Raye (e.g. One boy, one girl).
I laughed at Sandra's comment about "She thinks my tractor's sexy"... I have a 'music video' I filmed of a friend lip syncing to that song - he even has a farmers tan, as the song goes. :)
I love Josh Gracin---Brass Bed is one of my favorites, as well as We Weren't Crazy. I'm digging most of Darius Rucker's new stuff, and I like Phil Vassar. Josh and I went to his concert in Boise with Justin and Ellen and it was so much fun. And James Morrison isn't country, but good glory, he does it for me. Search Better Man, You Make It Real, and Is Anybody Home from him.
I got nothing. but fortunately it seems the rest of your fans do! lol. good luck!
I keep checkin' back to see what other people say. I like some country but I don't listen to it very often...
Not country but have you ever listened to Joshua Radin? It's pretty good... It's so hard recommending music; kinda like movies everyone likes such different things.
ok, so I just heard about a new website- have you?? it's called Pandora.com ITS AWESOME, I'm recently addicted. you type in an artist- like taylor swift and it will play her music alond with music like it--so a bunch of random but popular country music. I LOVE IT. I've discovers so many new songs this way. hum, hope it helps :)
sorry girlfriend, i don't have any country hits for you...
but can i have your address??
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