Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Hero

Gordon was sitting on the rocking chair pushing against the desk with his feet. "Mom, look at me. I am so strong. I am growing so strong and healthy I am going to be big like daddy and never bleed." I responded with, "Dads never bleeds, huh? How come?" "I don't know, they just don't." He said it so matter of factly it was precious.


Des said...

so Syd had stiches the other day and the whole time I kept thinking of you and that you have had to go through this!!! crazy stuff. Man you are a strong woman. just so you know- you have been on my mind a lot :) thanks for your post about it!
that is thee cutest pic of gordon and chris :) priceless

Sean and Kyla said...

oh my gosh that's so cute.