We decided to take Julie's advice and cut it but also leave the curls. I tell you what, its all about the mullet. You get the best of both worlds! And plus, living here in the sticks, Gordon fits right in...

Just Kidding. Here is what his hair cut really looks like.

I think we both knew the curls needed to go. The problem with keeping hair longer is that it was way cute about two weeks ago and now it is just a big mess of curls. You had to work with it for like 4 whole minutes. Which in little boy time is an eternity! Gordon was sad at first to see all his hair dropping to the ground but I know he will like the low maintenance of it.
Oh my gosh. That first picture he looks like a Thomas 110%. What a cutie. Wish I had his curls!
haha, ok you had be scared. hehe glad for the last pics. so cute.
he looks so cute and grown up! It was great seeing you this last weekend. It was a blast!
lol you love that you totally got me! lol I was like "a mullet?.oookkkk...yeah, ok, that can be cute...wait what? oh she was kidding? dang, she got me!"
so there you go, your kid is SO cute that I even thought he could pull off a mullet. lol. but I do like the new haircut. very nice. : )
It's so cute now! (it was cute before too)
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