Dear Edison,
Edison I want you to know that you are an absolute joy in our family. I was really nervous to have a second child but if I knew you were coming, I would have been so excited. You are so full of love and happiness that everyone around you can't help but love you and be happy with you. You have the biggest smile that stretches from ear to ear and looks like your cheeks are just going to burst! I love it. I have told your father that if we could guarantee that all our babies would be as pleasant as you, I would have ten more! (Not really) I hope that your happiness and easy-going nature continue on through out your life because optimism is a sign of great faith and with great faith you can achieve anything.
Right now Edison, you enjoy experimenting with your taste buds by putting anything and everything in your mouth , testing the theory of gravity, walking around the room with the help of a hand, chair, ottoman, toy..., demanding whatever it is that I am eating, and getting lots of attention by smiling at anyone who will look at you.
We love you so much Edison and are so glad you are part of our family. Happy Birthday!
Love, Mommy