"I just got back from a date with Bob. It was pretty good. I really like him for some reason. I don't know why. He dresses like a skater and swears a little bit and ditches seminary but I know he has a good heart. I know I can bring the goodness out of him oh please! sweet innocence But I think he likes Suzie, of course everyone likes Suzie. She's funny, talkative, nice, and cool, and beautiful. She can talk to anybody. I liked Jim and now he likes her. He is like head over heels with her. Anyway, I think Bob likes her, well I don't blame him. But I really want him to like me; I don't know how to do that though. What am I going to do?! the world is going to end if I can't get this boy to like me Before the date I went shopping for some things and everyone called me. Really? EVERYONE I was so mad. Greg who I might add was a Senior and was totally unexpected asked me out on a date and I couldn't go because I was already going on a date with Bob and I NEVER get asked out on dates and the one time I do I can't go and I like Greg. And then
How do I get Bob to like me? I am not good at that. I can totally flirt and be myself with guys I don't like but guys I do like, I can't be myself and I can't get them to like me. Fred likes me and I don't like him. Why can't I find a guy I like that likes me back?! I am going to the prom with Fred next weekend. I am also going on a date with Fred tomorrow to the Jive concert. Hold on I thought I NEVER got asked out? I hope he doesn't try to hold my hand or anything because I don't like him. We went to the drive in and held hands and I didn't want to. It was only for like five minutes. I just want to be his friend. I guess I'll just hate boys for the rest of my life. I think it is better that way."
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed me making fun of my younger self. Everything was so dramatic. I just want you to know that I did write in my journal about other stuff than just boys but I edited all that out.
That totally made me laugh. I am too mbarrassed to even think about what it may says let alone actually read it. Ahh the good old days. Isn't it funny how the though back then and then see where we are at now..... thanks for the entertainment today. Oh and I know we always say this, but we need to get together sometime before we both leave.
That is awesome! Isn't funny the stuff that matters back then is nothing to us now. I was just like that in high school. Boy crazy!
Poor Fred...I bet I am "Fred" in a lot of boy's journals(if they even had them)But I want to know how the date went and what you did on the date...you got my curiosity going!
We all had a "suzie" but I am interested in knowing if "suzie" had a "suzie"??
Laura, don't "poor Fred"! He had a lot of girls after him. I am just the type of girl that gets way turned off by cocky guys who think they have it all. That is probably the only reason he wanted to date me because I didn't fall all over him.
Funny, it sounds a lot like mine when I look back. Except I was snotty and said things like this "well he may like her but not for long, I'm going look hot tomorrow to change his mind." Ha ha it's so funny to look back. Poor Fred. he he
Hilarious. I'd like to burn my high school journals. I'm only keeping them to prove to my own kids that I actually was young once and I do know what I'm talking about. I hope.
I love it!! My journal is full of boys too. All it is a dating recap. So funny. At least we'll understand when our daughters are boy crazy.
That was so fun to read, it made me laugh. I was like that in high school too. It's so funny to look back.
haha that is so funny. i loved reading it! you are so awesome- we had so much fun in our younger days...I would like to hear those journal entries- I don't think we were dating though then?? I can't remember my own time line. I think it is time to pull out my journal.
First a daring new haircut, and now excerpts from your journal! What's next? :) :) :)
I don't even want to remember those days! It's good to know that I wasn't the only one with "issues."
You had way more action in high school than I did! High five!
I've told Josh that I won't ever date again. If he dies, then I'm a widow forever. Ugh. I hate the "does he like me?" mentality that comes with dating.
My husband won't read my journal cause all it is is pages of gushing about why I was so in love with my boyfriend, and how I was going to marry him ASAP. So funny.
Haha. That is so funny. High School really is all drama. Reading this makes me want to pull out old High School journals to see what hideous things I came up with - I'm sure I had some good ones, thanks for sharing.
So funny! I wasn't so great at keeping a journal...but the times I did write seem about like that! Isn't it funny all the stuff we thought was the most important things in the whole wide world! So fun!
That totally cracked me up. I'm sure if I got my journal out it would probably be something the same. Too funny.
Can't wait to see you this weekend.
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