I was remembering back to the time when Edison was first born and thinking that it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, having two kids. Edison slept a lot; I could still have some time to myself; Gordon was excited about having a little brother and life was great. I have now come to the realization that it is not so easy. I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants. (Is that the right expression?) I feel like I am just living, just taking each moment and dealing with it. There is no plan, there is no progression, there is no peace. In fact sometimes I feel like I am going backwards. I am more scatter-brained, more tired, more lazy, more impatient... shouldn't I be getting better at this, not worse? I find myself getting irritated more frequently and instead of blaming it on Gordon's whininess, Edison's neediness, or Chris's bussiness, I need to change my attitude. This is my life; just love it! Easier said than done sometimes.