I was remembering back to the time when Edison was first born and thinking that it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, having two kids. Edison slept a lot; I could still have some time to myself; Gordon was excited about having a little brother and life was great. I have now come to the realization that it is not so easy. I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants. (Is that the right expression?) I feel like I am just living, just taking each moment and dealing with it. There is no plan, there is no progression, there is no peace. In fact sometimes I feel like I am going backwards. I am more scatter-brained, more tired, more lazy, more impatient... shouldn't I be getting better at this, not worse? I find myself getting irritated more frequently and instead of blaming it on Gordon's whininess, Edison's neediness, or Chris's bussiness, I need to change my attitude. This is my life; just love it! Easier said than done sometimes.
I feel exactly the same way, I think most of us young moms do. I just remind myself that I'm doing the most important work there is and how Heavenly Father is teaching me all sorts of wonderful(not nesessarly fun) things along the way, like how to be, forgiving, patient, kind, understanding, selfless, etc...Us mothers are truly learning to be christlike.
And if that don't work, lock em their room and try to get some quiet Em time!!! Not that i've that or anything ;0)
Believe that I speak straight from the heart when I say, "I KNOW!" I hate how annoyed I get and I hate how annoying they can be and then I hate myself. It's a very hateful cycle. But it ebbs and flows. It will get better. But then they'll be bratty teenagers and we'll wish they were whiny toddlers. hmm..why do we have kids again? ;)
Umm.. I'm not even sure what quiet time or me time is anymore he he. I figure that I will have a few years of craziness and then things will calm down (I hope).I think you have it right. "Just love it!" Or Enjoy the Journey as President Monson has said. I don't mean to be preachy or anything but are their times you find yourself getting more impatient than others? Finding out why I get frustrated in those moments have helped. For example : I can spend to much time on the computer and neglect the fact that I need to have supper ready in a short amount of time. Then when I finally kick myself off I'm even more flustered because I don't have as much time and other things always come up (kids crying, baby needs fed) that kind of stuff. I have learned that if I structure those times I'm less stressed. I hope that makes sense. Sorry, I just thought I would share what I have found that helps me.
well...all I can say is this: I think you rock. and that picture you posted in b&w is awesome.
I think every mom, whether she had one kid or 10, has times she feels the same way. And if it's any consolation, adjusting to two kids was way harder for me than adjusting to three. So maybe the solution is just have another baby! Just kidding. From my perspective at least, you always seem to have everything together so perfectly! So maybe it's nice to know that no matter how any mom seems to others, we all struggle to just make it through some days.
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