Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do You Really Want To Know?

What in the world have I been up to the last few weeks...lots. And I had so many great posts in my head, but alas, they shall never be written. Instead you get bullets.
  • Taking Gordon to the ER to get staples in his head
  • Taking Edison to the Instacare for croup
  • Going on a two day Romantic Getaway with my hubby (if you want to be really jealous, click here.)
  • Lots and lots of driving (as in 1000+ miles added to the odometer in only four days)
  • Taking Gordon back to the ER to get staples out of head
  • Celebrating my birthday
  • Watching way too much TV
  • Re-arranging my boys' rooms - we now have a toy room and the boys share a room. I hope all goes well.
I think that is about it. More to come...


Hilarie said...

You rearranged, I hope the shared room works out having a toy/play room will be great!
When did Edison have croup? right now?
Well I"m sure I'll talk to you tomorrow..

julie said...

I am jealous! We went there for our honeymoon and I've always wanted to go back. So nice. And yes, you need to blog about Gordon and staples..hahah! Boys!

Tina said...

Staples? Croup? not fun.
The get away sounds nice though! The new room arrangement should be nice too!

Sandra said...

STAPLES? What happend???

Lara said...

So sweet that you got some romantical time with the hubby. Good for you! I've never been there but I hear it's amazing, so I'm happy you got to go.

Hilarie said...

I looked up that movie All about Steve... and the release date has been changed apparently because there are too many romantic comedies right now.... and may not come out until the fall. So that's too bad...

Nick and Stacey said...

Wow what a busy life you guys have had! I heard about the staples, and sorry about the Croup, I hope he is doing better! sounds like an eventful week, I am glad you got some getaway time in there! I love the Anniversary Inn! And Happy Birthday!