This is our second year in Logan and we love it here. Chris has one more year of school left and then we are off to who knows where--we are always dreaming up places we could go and things we can do. We are in our third year of marriage and loving it. We had a "fun" experience this summer in California that really tested our relationship and it turned out good. Nothing too drastic--just a lot of stress! We also had a couple of exciting trips to the emergency room. One for Gordon in February (when he choked on a granola bar) and then me in March when I sliced my foot open on our floor heater. But other than those few things 2007 went by pretty uneventful and pleasant.
Chris is in his second year at Utah State University in the Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning program. This is one of his last projects he did this last semester. It is for a park in Ogden. I wish you could see more detail; it is pretty awesome.

I am busy being a wife and mother. I always told myself that when I stopped working I would cook dinner at night and be a better "stay at home mom." Well, I am no longer working so I try to cook dinner every night and it definitely keeps me busy. I am always looking for new recipes so if you have any that are fast and delicious, send them my way. Gordon really loves to cook and do dishes so it takes me twice as long when he is "helping" me. I am currently expecting our second boy in March so I am trying to prepare our family for when that wonderful event occurs.
Gordon is a toddler; enough said! He has always been happy to please his mom and dad and do what we ask but lately he has developed a bit of an attitude. He has also regressed back to cuddling (which I am happy about). Gordon stopped liking to cuddle when he was very young and it made me so sad but now he loves to cuddle and read books or sing songs. When we sit down to watch a movie, he sits on the couch and pats next to him and says, "a me" - he wants me to sit by him - he then scoots as close to me as he can. It is so cute. He just warms my heart!
I just wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures of this last year...This is at my brother Jake's wedding last January. I can't believe how young Gordon looks and all of his cousins too.
When we got back to Logan after our long summer in California and we went to Tony's Grove up the Logan Canyon. I just love his face in this picture. He thinks squinting eyes is equivalent to smiling. This is in California on a rare day when we actually had Chris around!
This was about a year ago as well. My parents gave this table and chairs to Gordon for Christmas and he thought he was such a big boy sitting in them. I can't believe how much time as gone by. Gordon is learning new things all the time. Before I know it he will be a teenager smarting off to me instead of a toddler smarting off. Yikes!
I love this picture because my little brother used to do this muscle man thing and this picture reminded me of that.
Sorry I got a little carried away with the pictures and the writing...its kind of long. Happy New Year!