I use the word soccer very loosely here. When I use it involving three and four year olds, I don't
really mean soccer. Its actually just running back and forth across the gym with the guidance of several parents, (excuse the blury photo)

trampling eachother (it seems the same kids get trampled every time. Gordon got knocked over once and was a little scared to get back in the game but after awhile he couldn't help himself.) and

of course getting a treat at the end! I think that was Gordon's favorite part of the whole game. He came running to me with the biggest smile on his face.
Isn't it funny that they push their team mates out of the way to get the ball. He's a cute soccer player!
Cute! Looks like he's having fun! Where did you enroll him? How often does he practice/play?
love it, soccer-what a stud.
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