Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Day in the Life of Edison

Edison is such a good sleeper. I read Babywise and tried to follow a routine and I think it has really helped. For anyone struggling to get a baby to sleep through the night--try this book. Anyway, it is so funny because we have tried really hard to not let our boys suck their thumbs (Chris was an avid thumb sucker until he was, I don't know eleven, sorry Chris.) So he was really adamant that we not let our children suck their thumbs. It worked with Gordon but then he was addicted to the pacifier. When we finally got him off the pacifier (this summer) he started sucking his fingers. What can I say, some kids just need that stimulation I guess. Anyway, I didn't want Edison to need a binki to go to bed because it is so annoying when they wake up and you have to go and put it back in. Well, despite all our efforts... Edison sucks his thumb. It is so cute because even when we swaddled him, he would squirm and wiggle just enough to get his little thumb in his mouth. Oh well, he'll still turn out fine. Look at Chris... nevermind.

Gordon loves to come and wake up Edison with me. I usually put him in the crib and we play around for a little while. He always asks to play Peek-a-Boo with him. Gordon really is a good big brother. He is so sweet and loves to play with him.

Here is a picture of Edison's first time eating rice cereal. What a mess. At first he didn't do very good at all. But now, he LOVES it. We have tried peas, which he liked, and green beans, which were just okay. And now on to squash. I love this picture because he cheeks are so chubby and he looks so funny.

Here is another shot of the kiddos playing together. This was a few months ago. Now Edison's favorite is his Exer-saucer. Well, I take that back. Lately all he wants is to be held. I have to remind myself not to get frustrated because this stage will not last very long. Soon he will be cruising around with no time for snuggles with mom.

And another one of the brothers in bed. I have to take the opportunity when they are both laying still and I can actually get a clear picture. And they even have matching pjs. Gordon loves to wear these. I just know they will be such good friends.
Well that is a day in the life of Edison. Sleep, eat, play. What a life!


LeeAnne said...
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LeeAnne said...

Cute pictures! I love that last one where Edison's looking at Gordon like he's just waiting to see what he'll do next :)

Sean and Kyla said...

oh my precious. seriously I love these pictures. and yes, I will admit it, ok, I totally started to tear up because they are so precious. And I love the picture of Edison's first experience with rice cereal : )

Sandra said...

I love the picture at the bottom with Edison smiling at Gordon!

Anonymous said...

I have a thumb sucker too! AND I read that same book. It is cursed! Well I was a thumb sucker....so maybe it is in the genes. I even boasted a little about how easy breastfeeding was with my little sucker, and then the sucking never stopped! Well you keep me posted on how that is going. I know it is cute though...but I am not waiting until kindergarden to wean.

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

YOu boys look soo much alike! How fun that they get along soo well!!! Bikies and thumbsuckers...sometime I think that you either have one or the other!

Nick and Stacey said...

What cute pictures! I can't believe how big Edison has gotten, I saw him with Chris at church a while ago! He is so darn cute!

Lara said...

I LOVE the last pic! And I could've sworn that was Ryan in the 2nd to last pic! He looks just like a Thomas!