Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just another rationalization

Another reason I might be more irritable is this darn weather! A few weeks ago it was Spring! We would play outside every day and have so much fun. Now, I wake up in the morning to snow. It is just plain old depressing.

We have a great set up here. A couple of my neighbors and I set up chairs at the end of the parking lot and chat while the kids ride around for hours. Lately, we have taken up some long boarding (its pretty good exercise ya know.) I guess Edison thought it looked pretty fun! He catches on pretty quick; this is only his second time trying this...


Hilarie said...

That's an awesome video, watch out soon he'll be better than all of us!

Sandra said...

That is cute, he looks like he is having fun. What a cute boy. I'm with ya on the weather. It's gotta warm up soon!

Tina said...

Wow. I'd say Edison has it figured out! Very cool!