Gordon loves to play "house." He is the dad and someone is always the baby. Poor Terin has learned not to fight it and just accept his role. Gordon also loves to play Tiger! He likes to crawl around and growl at me and I have to run and be very afraid of the big mean Tiger.

Of course sometimes the roles are reversed and I have to be the Tiger chasing him. We got a new bed for Gordon a few months ago and he loves to jump on it and jump OFF it onto his bean bag. After that got old he wanted to start jumping of his dresser. I told him that wasn't a good idea and he said, "but mom, it's so exciged."

He also loves to shoot things and since we don't have any guns he uses his fingers. This is his gun.

He also makes a little "pikchoo" noise and closes his eyes. It is pretty darn cute as long as he doesn't point it at me or Edison or anyone else for that matter!
Gordon is also very emotional lately. He is so dramatic; everything is like the world is coming to an end. I am trying to teach him to talk about it when he is upset or sad but we're still working on it.

Gordon loves to answer the phone and talk to anyone who will listen. Sometimes I don't hear the phone ring and then he will come in the room talking to someone. Silly kid! And last but not least, Gordon LOVES to play with my camera and take pictures. Here are a few of his best.

He looks like he's "using the force" in the first picture he he. Boys can be rough. I remember thinking that my kids would not play shoot or act like they are blowing things up. I swear they are born with it....there's nothing I can do to stop it, it's a male thing I guess he he. He's quite the photographer :)
Cute post! I love the tiger picture... he looks fierce.
oh my gosh he's cute. seriously, the cuteness is too much to handle. I love your kids, they're so cute. (I can say I love them since I've met them right? like it's not a trite phrase cuz I've seen them in person and witnessed the cuteness that is the Tatton boys? ; )
Your brother in law kolby is hot very hot i hope he isnt with someone.
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