So I am more than a week late in posting about Gordon's 4th birthday. I had to borrow my sis-in-law's camera. The theme was: BUGS!
"Over the years I have learned that motherhood is much like an austere religious order, the joining of which obligates one to relinquish all claims to personal possessions." -- Nancy Stahl
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Gordon's par-tay
I think I am loosing my mind. Well, I am definitely loosing everything else. We can't find our camera. The last time we remember having it was at the Halloween party at my parent's ward...hopefully it turns up.
So I am more than a week late in posting about Gordon's 4th birthday. I had to borrow my sis-in-law's camera. The theme was: BUGS!
I got this idea from Cara. I just loved it. Super cute and pretty easy. The only problem was we made the first batch of bugs too skinny so when transferring them to the cupcakes, they all broke. But once we learned that lesson...easy, peasy.
I made antennae headbands for all the kids and I must say, "Super cute". My twin nephews had the brilliant idea of using them like headset walkie-talkies so everyone kept going around, "Come in commander, can you pass the glue." Aaa-dorable.
We made little bug scenes with stickers, markers, glue, and paper while we waited for all the kdis to arrive. Then we played stick the dot on the ladybug with Oreos. Lick it and stick it. That was fun even if the my ladybug looked a little squashed.
Each kid also got a tiny magnifying glass and had to go outside in the back yard and hunt for bugs. Then we did cupcakes and "bug juice." The kids loved that and Gordon still asks for it. Silly, silly. My dad was telling all the kids that they had to squeeze so many grasshoppers to get all this juice. Gross.
I didn't get very many pictures of the opening presents part because the kids kept crowding around. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the garbage truck we got him but I'm not joking when I say that thing was gone before I could blink. The kids loved it and Gordon has been playing with it non-stop. It looks pretty much just like this. All in all, it was a fun time. And I know someone who really enjoyed their cupcake...
Happy Birthday Gordon. We sure love you!!
So I am more than a week late in posting about Gordon's 4th birthday. I had to borrow my sis-in-law's camera. The theme was: BUGS!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Gordon is now four. Here are some things he is into now-
- Lying. It is true. We had to have a little talk about lying and now he still doesn't get it. When I tell him I think his shoes are up in his room but really they are in the car, I am a liar. I told him, that's not lying because I just thought maybe his shoes were there. So the other day I asked him if he picked up the movies. He said no so I went and checked. They were picked up. He said, "I didn't lie, I just thought they weren't picked up." Silly boy.
- He loves watching movies. Anything and everything. He would watch movies all day if I let him.
- Lately he has really gotten into coloring where before he would sit for about one minute and color. I am loving it. He is getting really good coloring in the lines too.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Dear Gordon,
This birthday letter is a little late, but I still wanted to talk about this stage in your life and tell you how much I love you. The move to Heyburn has been hard on all of us. You miss your good friends, as do I. I know it took me awhile to get back to being the mommy you need me to be and I want to thank you for being patient with me and always loving me. You are so forgiving and loving.
You are my big helper. Always have been and always will be I think. You love to "help" with your brother Edison. You mean well, but sometimes I have to remind you that Edison only needs one mother! You are so good with Edison and you guys play really well together (for the most part) because of your kindness and patience.
This year we are doing Joy School with several other moms and kids in our ward and you have really enjoyed it. You are very social and love to have friends. You learn very quickly and love to pick out the first letter of different words. You'll tell me, "Telephone starts with T" and then continue telling me other words that start with T as well.
As always, you love to watch movies. Recently we watched Robin Hood and now you like to pretend you are Robin Hood using a hanger as your bow and arrow. You also have like Peter Pan and love to play Captain Hook and Peter Pan, especially with the pirate hook and sword you got for your birthday. You also saved up enough dimes to go to the local discount theater and watch Planet 51. You love the "big TV" and would probably sit through any movie at the theater.
You are my best buddy and we love to do everything together. You are very obedient and I thank my Heavenly Father every night that I was blessed with such good boys. I love you so much! Happy Birthday Gordon.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Good Morning Heyburn!
Good morning everyone. My kids woke up yesterday at 6:30 and today at 6:00. For me, that is too early. Is anyone else having trouble with their kids and Day Light Savings. We are still on "old time" Since we had breakfast an hour earlier, we had lunch an hour earlier, dinner... and so on. I say we boycott Day Light Savings; who needs it anyway. It is just too depressing when its dark at 6:00 in the evening.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Guess who's goin' on a mission
Click here to find out.
A few things I love about this video:
1- all the cell phones with family members on the other end
2- when we all scream after we hear where Katie is going. I tried to figure out who started the screaming and I think it was "Chad's Katie." Can you confirm or deny this.
3- I LOVE my sister!! She will be such an awesome missionary.
We went through the Twin Falls temple for Katie's endowment on Saturday and it was so neat to have everyone there. We are getting closer to our family goal of having all members of our family in the temple. Only three more years!! Anyway, we are so proud of Katie and I will miss her so much when she leaves!!
A few things I love about this video:
1- all the cell phones with family members on the other end
2- when we all scream after we hear where Katie is going. I tried to figure out who started the screaming and I think it was "Chad's Katie." Can you confirm or deny this.
3- I LOVE my sister!! She will be such an awesome missionary.
We went through the Twin Falls temple for Katie's endowment on Saturday and it was so neat to have everyone there. We are getting closer to our family goal of having all members of our family in the temple. Only three more years!! Anyway, we are so proud of Katie and I will miss her so much when she leaves!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Murder Mystery fun!!
I have always wanted to throw a Murder Mystery party and when I found out all my family would be in town for Halloween I took that as a go ahead. My family are really good sports to put up with all my crazy antics. I had so much fun I think I will do another one next year!
The theme was "Class of '85 High School Reunion." And we were all supposed to dress up '80's and in our "character." Introducing:
Chris (aka Danny Drums)- marching band nerd turned struggling musician
Me (aka Molly Ringworm)- drama queen turned Hollywood actress. I even won an Oscar!
(This picture was actually taken at a party the night before)

Zach (aka B.A. Barricade- the high school punk turned body guard)
Sarah (aka Terry Johnson)- the hall monitor turned traffic cop (and she is like 5 months pregnant in this picture)
Craig (aka Bailey Babble)- school gossip turned journalist
Ryan (aka Joe Nebraska)- jock turned high school basketball coach
Teri (aka Natalie Nebraska)- cheerleader turned lying tramp (sorry Teri!!)
My dad (aka Byron Keaton)- math nerd turned accountant and hugely wealthy
My mom (aka Myra Keaton)- math team cheerleader (didn't know there was such a thing) turned accountant and devoted wife
I totally did the stretch pants with stirrups and over sized sweater in the early 90's. Love it!
Katie (aka Pamela Abdul)- Dance Captain turned famous choreographer (Katie is holding Elyse, not a doll.)
Chad (aka Steve Spielson)- audio visual geek turned mega Hollywood director
Katie (aka Cindy Crawfish)- class flirt turned class flirt (somethings never change!!)
Brett (aka Mike Majesty)- prom king turned working a dead-end job and hating life
Maren (aka Mallory Majesty)- prom queen turned controlling wife (such an opposite role for her if you know Maren at all!)
Austin (aka Bobbie Bright) - Valedictorian turned conniving lawyer

As the night went along Chad ended up being murdered. I killed him because he was going to leak out my dirty past and ruin my chances of staring in the new Disney movie! Zach blackmailed the most and ended up with the most money. No one solved the murder, Craig ended up with "Best Costume" award, Brett or maybe it was Dad got the best "Acting" award. All in all in was a fun night!
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