Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gordon's par-tay

I think I am loosing my mind. Well, I am definitely loosing everything else. We can't find our camera. The last time we remember having it was at the Halloween party at my parent's ward...hopefully it turns up.

So I am more than a week late in posting about Gordon's 4th birthday. I had to borrow my sis-in-law's camera. The theme was: BUGS!

I got this idea from Cara. I just loved it. Super cute and pretty easy. The only problem was we made the first batch of bugs too skinny so when transferring them to the cupcakes, they all broke. But once we learned that lesson...easy, peasy.
I made antennae headbands for all the kids and I must say, "Super cute". My twin nephews had the brilliant idea of using them like headset walkie-talkies so everyone kept going around, "Come in commander, can you pass the glue." Aaa-dorable.We made little bug scenes with stickers, markers, glue, and paper while we waited for all the kdis to arrive. Then we played stick the dot on the ladybug with Oreos. Lick it and stick it. That was fun even if the my ladybug looked a little squashed.
Each kid also got a tiny magnifying glass and had to go outside in the back yard and hunt for bugs. Then we did cupcakes and "bug juice." The kids loved that and Gordon still asks for it. Silly, silly. My dad was telling all the kids that they had to squeeze so many grasshoppers to get all this juice. Gross.
I didn't get very many pictures of the opening presents part because the kids kept crowding around. I wish I would have gotten a picture of the garbage truck we got him but I'm not joking when I say that thing was gone before I could blink. The kids loved it and Gordon has been playing with it non-stop. It looks pretty much just like this. All in all, it was a fun time. And I know someone who really enjoyed their cupcake...
Happy Birthday Gordon. We sure love you!!


Happy Housewife said...

What a good mom you are - looks like a fun party, and I will be sure not to show Ellie these pictures. She'll be mad she wasn't there! The cupcakes were super cute.

Tina said...

Happy Birthday Gordon!
Looks like the party was fun. Love the antennas and the cupcakes - very creative.

Cara said...

Good job on the cupcakes. Too bad you didn't have your party first 'cause I would have stolen all your cute game ideas.

Lexie Thomas said...

Emily you are such a good mom and so creative! It looks like Gordon had a great birthday! It will be fun to see you guys next week!

Teri said...

Cute party! And Happy Birthday Gordon! November birthdays are the best! I asked Ashlynn if she wanted to call Gordon on his birthday but she was in one of her moods. Girls...

Des said...

Fun idea! and those cupcakes are AMAZING! good job, I need to remember it!

Katie Thomas said...

Em you are awesome! This looks way fun, I can't wait to see you next week! Gordons getting so old!

Lindsay said...

That's such a cute birthday party! What a fun mom!

Sean and Kyla said...

Oh my cuteness!! So creative and Gordon is so dang adorable!!