Sunday, November 15, 2009


Gordon is now four. Here are some things he is into now-
  1. Lying. It is true. We had to have a little talk about lying and now he still doesn't get it. When I tell him I think his shoes are up in his room but really they are in the car, I am a liar. I told him, that's not lying because I just thought maybe his shoes were there. So the other day I asked him if he picked up the movies. He said no so I went and checked. They were picked up. He said, "I didn't lie, I just thought they weren't picked up." Silly boy.
  2. He loves watching movies. Anything and everything. He would watch movies all day if I let him.
  3. Lately he has really gotten into coloring where before he would sit for about one minute and color. I am loving it. He is getting really good coloring in the lines too.

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