Edison's birthday was last Friday. We had a small party with just some family. The pictures are all out of order (I really hate Blogger sometimes!) but you get the main idea.

We got him a Mr. Potato Head and it has been really fun for the boys. His cousin gave him another Mr. Potato Head so it was perfect because now we don't have any fights about it, except for who has the better eyes, hat, nose....

I really love this photo of Edison. It makes him seem so big. I don't know if it is because he is my second child but he has always seemed smaller to me. I realized at his 2 year check up--he is not small. He is in the 90% for weight and the 75% for height so not to bad at all.

This is Edison giving dad a hug for the present
I we gave him. He then proceeded to give everyone in the room hugs. Did I mention Edison loves to give hugs?

Opening presents wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper. Like he really cares what is on the front?!

I love that smile! He is such a happy guy. Well, he did just get a
hand-me down brand new barn that makes animal sounds. Who wouldn't be smiling? And I am just going to warn you about the picture below--it involves spit and boogers and cake...

It was actually kind of hilarious because he kept blowing upwards and couldn't get the candle out until he used the spit...and boogers.

The kids love to help me cook and of course they love to lick out the bowl. And below is my masterful creation. I know it looks a little bit like a pig but it is actually a cow. A pretty darn good looking cow if you ask me.

And that is the end of this picture show.
Happy Birthday Edison!
Happy Birthday Eddie! We wish we could celebrate with you.
Em- Love love love your cow cake. SO cute. Did you come up with that on your own?
Happy Birthday Edison!! That cow is sooo cute! You did an awesome job.
Happy Birthday Edison. I can't believe how big he is.
You did an awesome job on the cow cake. It look perfect. I am excited to see you next weekend!
Hoy cow, Em!! Your baby boy is sooo big! how did he go from baby to boy so quick? I almost didn't realize that was him because he looks so much bigger in these photos than the last ones I saw of him. Sweet lil boy. Happy birthday Edison.
And I'm totally in love with that cake. You're amazing!
LOVE the cow cake! Where were you when I was trying to make that hideous castle cake???
that's a pretty impressive cow you got there! very cute pictures of a very cute little boy!
What a cute birthday boy and you did an awesome job with his cake! The spit and boogers make me laugh- Seriously though what a cute kid and it looks like he had a great birthday!
(p.s. I just read your comment on my blog and to answer your question Sean had Milton before we met...so that's how it may seem like I never mentioned me getting a dog!)
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