Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I did forget one thing...

I have caught the craft bug! I have started helping a lady in my ward make crafts to sell at the cheese store here in Heyburn. I have also made a few crafts to keep in my own home. I spend a lot of my free time getting ideas from others online. There is so much out there. I'm loving it!
Here are some things I have made:


julie said...

So I am so excited for you and your business in Twin. And I'm excited to eat there. I'm already telling all my friends how delicious it was. So yay! And where are you moving? Burley? Twin? Right next door? I'm sure you said..but now I can't remember..

The Whipples said...

I love the jars! How did you make them?

Katie said...

Those jars are so cute. where did you get them? We should do some of those next time we are in town.

Lexie Thomas said...

Very cute Em! I love it all.

Des said...

I was going to ask the same thing as the other girls. I LOVE the jars! (well I love ALL of your craft. LOVE is dang cute too.) where did you get those jars? awesome crafts! cute. I want to see more.