Gordon has to be constantly entertained. He rarely plays by himself for longer than 5 minutes. Since I am always trying to come up with fun things to do I thought I would share what I've come up with if you promise to share your ideas too!

The other day Gordon and I made some vanilla pudding and I found this great idea to put the pudding in a muffin tin and add different colors to the tins and do some finger painting. It really was fun, fast, and easy to clean up.

Then when they were done painting, I gave them graham cracker sticks to eat it all up with. If you think this is gross you should see what else they put in their mouths.

Another easy way to entertain kids, especially boys, get some flour or oats and pour it onto a large cookie sheet and let them dig around in it with their little cars. Gordon loves this.

The first time we did this he would play for the whole time I made dinner every day for a week. It was great. Now he only plays for about 15 minutes to a half hour depending.

In this picture he is telling me to stop taking pictures so he can just play. Hence the angry look. So what are some fun things you do to keep your kids entertained?
Oh such good ideas!!! I am not creative at all and since I only have the one kid usually opt to leave the house to find entertainment rather than be creative...plus we live in our office-the size of a shoe box-right now...so I don't have any room!
Carter will play with sticks and dirt until the cows come home...which is forever because we don't have cows.
Gosh...I wish I could think of something...the only think I got I already posted about..pipe cleaners and pompoms...easy peasy.
Ohh my kids love to pudding paint. Very yummy :) Have you heard of floam? My kids like to play with that. We have built volcanos out of clay. Dot art. Painting in the bathtub is fun too. Just color some shaving cream (cleans your bathtub too and makes it smell nice he he) The kids lately like to google things like crocs, scorpians or praying mantis. They like to see pictures and we learn about them too.
Here's my list of fun things (about halfway down the post):
Sorry Em...my kids are really good about entertaining themselves. I guess I have it good...all they need is a coloring book and some crayons and they are good for an hour or more.
Ashlynn likes to give presents lately. So I have given her a piece of wrapping paper and she runs off to her room to wrap something, writes my name on it, and brings it to me. Meanwhile I act all surprised and thank her for the gift. She will play like this for an hour or so.
Cute ideas though...I'm totally going to use them, so thanks! Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Fun ideas.
We've done things like shaving a balloon with a Popsicle stick (draw a face on the balloon, add some shaving cream and hand your kid a Popsicle stick. The bathtub is a good one for this too.
She also really loves playdoh, bubbles and stickers.
I have a friend who lets her kids paint themselves (and each other) with water colors. I've yet to dare that one, but it does look fun, and come off clean.
Oh... and there's this cool slime stuff you can make with borax and elmers glue. I need to find the recipe, its one I've been wanting to make recently. Fun for hours.
Anyway, I love Gordons face in that last picture.
lol. wow. you're creative. (I'm not being sarcastic. It just makes me laugh because I rarely do anything super creative with the kids, lol.)
Addie is still too little for this stuff, but I have done it babysitting... Make boats out of paper and float them in the tub or outside. The girls got pretty creative and had lots of fun making them, coloring them, putting things in them and pretending they are people. Also I would read a book and they would act it out as we went along, sometimes making up their own parts and then entertaining themselves.
Fun most Em! I don't usually like the messy stuff but I'm 'trying' to get better with it! Kambree loves to cut paper and glue she works on her "projects" for hours. Some of the things she does are impressive or at least I think so.. I'll have to try that thing with the trucks with Konnor I'm sure he'd love that!
Great idea with the pudding. A few things my kids like:
-Masks with foam plates
- Dot art or roll paints
- colored pasta noodle necklaces with froot loops too.
We miss you guys. Glad to hear you're doing well.
little Gordon is starting to look a lot like Chris!
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