Finally, I feel like I am myself again. Yes, it took awhile. For the past month I have been ornery, lazy, tired, nagging, blaming everything on everyone but myself, and being just plain, old grouchy. But now I have energy (well, at least more than I had before. These boys still wear me out) and I actually do things with my kids and I am happy when my husband comes home from work instead of complaining that he is late. What has caused this wonderful change in my behavior? Well, a few things: 1)Chris and I got to go to Boise for a business trip. Just a nice overnight vacation to rejuvenate and spend a little time with my husband who hasn't had a day off since we moved here (excluding Sunday) 2)and yeah! he has this Saturday off! We are going to clean this house from top to bottom! 3)I think I just realized that I've got to get with it. No one can make my circumstances better but myself.
But there is one thing I cannot do for myself. Get commenters!!!! I think I left half of my four readers in Logan. Now lets see how many people can comment on this here post. Who's with me?!
YAY EMILY!!!! I'm number one! So sometime next week I want to make my way over to the Heyburn/Paul area where I have people to visit, including you! So tell me which days are a no-go and which are good.
Hey Emily. You're on my google reader so I always read your update... I'm just a lazy commenter :) Glad things are going better!
Hi Emily!!! most people are commenting slackers...but they are still reading! I am glad you are feeling better...we all have those slumps sometimes.
I might recommend you seeking out B-16 shots...I get one monthly and I think they are just lovely. They pump up your energy a bit (they are not a miracle cure by all means) but they do help to give you a boost...what mom doesn't need that?? is just vitamins...nothing scary in that. Anyhow...just a thought...I have just noticed it has helped my moods as well.
Anyhow...I love you..clear down here from Mississippi!
I'm with ya.... There are many days that I find myself needing to change. Good luck with everything up there!
Emily! I'm glad your not going to be grouchy anymore maybe now I'll give you a call :)j/k Sorry I haven't' called I keep thinking about you though if that counts... I can't believe your going to clean on Chris' first Saturday off you should go do something fun and exciting!! But I guess it would be nice to have a nice clean house- I want one of those.
You know that All About Steve movie is finally coming out you need a good laugh and that one looks pretty funny or you could rent 17 Again.. that one is funny!
Well have a fun weekend!!
So I am a horrible friend I didn't even know you moved sorry I'm such a slacker! Hope things are going good for you!
As if you really had anything to worry about...of course you have readers. And I'm sure some of them are commenters. I know what you mean though. It's always nice to get a comment every so often.
I'm glad you got your groove back. I have lived here for 1 1/2 years and still don't feel like I have my groove yet. Sure, there are days that are good, but it's hard to have days that are great when I compare them to what I had in Logan. Friends are a little harder to come by here...for me and the boys. Good luck with staying busy and active. We would come play everyday if we could!
I read every single one of your posts. But I admit I read all posts from google reader which means I have to take a whole nother huge step and click a whole other button in order to leave a comment. That's TWO whole buttons, mind you. DO YOU REALIZE HOW INSANELY HARD IT IS TO TAP THIS HERE FINGER TWICE?!
If you think that's lazy, then, well... you're right on.
Keep posting, I'll try to be a better commenter. Glad you're feeling better!
You make me laugh, I love the title of the post. Glad to hears things are going well in Idaho and that your spirits are up.
Its kinda sad that Bridget and Gordon didn't get to play one last time while you were here. Give me a call if you are ever back in Logan. Miss you!
Emily i love you! I can't wait to see you this next weekend. I am glad that you are energized and that you and Chris had fun in Boise. I love ya! How is the hannah montana hoedown coming?
I read ya! Laura, where does one get B16 shots?
Em- You know I love you! I love hearing what Gordon has to say. He makes me laugh. Glad you are doing better.
I'm not sure if we are going to be able to make it this weekend. I really want to. I've left it up to Chad. He's so stressed about the P.E. test.
If you're ever wanting a break you can come visit us. We would love, love, love the company!
B-16 shots...I get mine from my local Kroger Pharmacy...they cost 15.00 a month. Kroger is the same as Smith's and Fred I would start there.
I know every pharmacy has them. However, for some reason at certain pharmacies you have to have a prescription from your doctor...other pharmacies just give you the shot right then and call around to your local pharmacies and ask if they give the shot without a prescription. Otherwise, if you have a regular doctor they will be able to hook you up.
lol. love your blog posts. my favorite one about this is not only that you're happier but the title of it. lol. made me laugh thinking of the movie...but you know, Stella not Emily? yeah that one. can't wait to see you!!
Count this one as two cause Stacey and I are both reading it. BTW your ideas for the boys on your newer post are sweet. We will be trying them out. Tell Chris we say hi and tell him to take a day off for crying out loud.
Hi Em!!!
Hilarie sent me your blog link and you know that I am not a blogger, so this is my first comment EVER! You are so lucky =) I hope this works. Anyway, I actually miss your grouchiness. =) We miss you guys so much! I showed the kids all of the pictures of the boys and they can't wait to come see you guys. I am still sick but I am getting better each day, so hopefully by next weekend we can come. I will call you. I am ready to laugh lots, so the best person for that is you. You always are uplifting, so it is a good thing that you have shaken that grouchiness!
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