Gordon at about 2 weeks old:

Edison at 2 days old:

So what do you think? Do they look alike? At first I didn't think so but we'll see. I have a hard time seeing Edison as anything but himself. Vote and tell me what you think. I can't believe how big Gordon is. Here he is now:

It was so hilarious. He kept wanting Chris to take pictures of him at the hospital so Chris had him posing over and over again. He was actually a very good model. Does anyone know of any good modeling agencies!? =)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been thinking about you tons since I saw you at Jive! I barely passed your mom on Sunday and wanted to turn around and run to her to ask how you were doing if you had had the baby yet!! I LOVE his name-Edison. he is beautiful- and you look so good just after have the babe. I hope you are doing well and everything went good!! May recovery be speedy :) Take care!!!
gordon is so funny! I love it- I think you should definitely sign him up for modeling, he's made for it and Chris could be his agent! jk
Hey! I'm so glad you're on blogspot, I've been wondering about you! Gordon is such a cute little boy! And congrats on Edison, what a sweetheart!
How are you dealing with being a mommy of two? They both look so cute in their pictures. Sarah was here tonight. We were complaining that it isn't fair that you had Eddison 3 weeks early. What is up with that???LUCKY!
They definately look alike! Both adorable. Gordon is so funny in that last picture. It looks like he's trying not to smile but loving the attention. How's ge doing with the NEW BABY?!
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