I cannot express the emotions that rushed over me as I saw my little baby for the first time. I honestly wasn't expecting to feel so much love. I feel bad saying this but, I was not excited to have another baby. But when they gave me my tiny little baby that had been kicking inside of me for 9 months, I had tears of joy. I think because I didn't get to see Gordon until seven hours after his birth and I wasn't actually awake for his birth, I never really experienced that bond that I felt with Edison. It truly was a very special moment for me.
"Over the years I have learned that motherhood is much like an austere religious order, the joining of which obligates one to relinquish all claims to personal possessions." -- Nancy Stahl
Monday, March 3, 2008
Edison's Birth Story (really long, sorry)
This is me on Sunday, two days before I had Edison. So for those of you complaining about how "lucky" I am to have my baby three weeks early...you can see how huge and uncomfortable I was! I was getting sick of the "any day now, huh" or "you look like your ready to pop" comments.
I went in for my scheduled doctor's appointment Monday at 11:30 and was surprised to find out that I was dialated to a 4 and 80% effaced but my doctor also reminded me that some people can be that far along for a month. I knew in my gut it was happening that day. Chris didn't take me seriously since I had been telling him everyday that week that "it's going to happen any day now, I can feel it." I soon started having contractions although they weren't very regular so Chris still wouldn't take me seriously. He kept reminding me not to get my hopes up and that I probably still had another week at least. As my contractions got more painful we started getting everything ready to go and four hours later the contractions still weren't regular. Gordon saw us getting the baby car seat ready and wanted to sit in it and be a baby for awhile.
I wanted to go in to the hospital as my contractions were getting pretty painful. My biggest fear was that I would get to the hospital and the nurse would tell me that I was too far progressed to get an epidural. That could not happen! Chris was adamant that the contractions had to be 2-3 minutes apart for an hour before we should go in to the hospital. I finally convinced him to take me to the hospital at around 7:00. We dropped Gordon off at our neighbors house, picked up some Frostys at Wendy's and checked in. It took forever to go through all the procedures and by then I was definitely ready for the epidural. My nurse informed me that the anesthesiologist was in the O.R. and would probably be a half an hour. My doctor came in and broke my water which made my labor progress faster (meaning more frequent and painful contractions). Two hours later, the high and mighty anesthesiologist appeared! I was complaining and making such a fuss that I think the doctor gave me the max dosage and even a little more. Fine with me! I really didn't think I was going to be able to make it until he saved me. For those of you who labor without an epidural--I applaud you. I honestly don't know how you do it. Chris had nail marks in his hands from me gripping him so hard. At least I wasn't yelling and cursing, not yet anyway. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't get that epidural. After I was numb from the waist down, I rested for about two hours and then it was time for the pushing. I was really nervous for this because I didn't have to push at all with Gordon and so I had no experience whatsoever. The nurse informed me that the average pushing time is two to three hours so to expect that. Well, after 45 minutes I had a slippery, slimy baby on my chest.

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Cute story! Thanks for sharing.
Gordon looks so comfortable in his brothers car seat.
Oh Emily!! You looks so beautiful with your new baby!!! Congrats on #2 and also for getting your epidural on time...whew...that was a close one!! I am right there with you...I want an epidural as soon I feel the slightest contraction!! It is fun running into your blog and seeing your family!!
(This is Laura Silvester by the way;)
You look great after delivering! And he is adorable!
fun story...i've been checking and was happy to read it! You both look great. Let me know if we can do anything for you. ~ Heather
What a wonderful story. I loved reading it. A mother just knows right? I'm so happy that you got to have such a special moment with Edison. How sweet is that? What a blessing. Congratulations!
What a great story! Josh was the same way as Chris with Alli---I kept telling him it was time, and he kept teasing me that he was going to go in to work and call me at lunch to check on me. Punk. I love those quiet, get-to-know-you minutes after birth.
Congrats on the health little boy! i dont know how you do it with the epidural! i hate neddles! when they asked me to sign the paper for a what if situation, i asked why? i didn't need one is what i told them. but anyways what a beautiful baby you have. good luck with the new addition. hope things are wonderful.
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