"Over the years I have learned that motherhood is much like an austere religious order, the joining of which obligates one to relinquish all claims to personal possessions." -- Nancy Stahl
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
College Life
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Nightmare Before Christmas

The poor boy was so dehydrated it took three tries to get an IV in him. He was not happy. We left Tuesday night and were hoping the worse was behind us... Not so lucky. Christmas Day came and went. Gordon was still sick. He wasn't even interested in opening all his presents. He is really whiny and (thinks) he can't do anything himself. So we have missed out on all the family fun and Christmas festivities; feel sorry for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for New Years.
Friday, December 19, 2008
When it rains...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas Movies

Chris and I decided this year we would watch all the Christmas movies we love since last year we only watched a few. Here is our list. Let us know if we missed out on any that are must sees.

Home Alone 1 and 2
Lampoons Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story
Claymation Christmas
The Santa Claus
It's a Wonderful Life
Miracle on 34th Street
Mr. Kruger's Christmas
A Muppets Christmas Carol
Polar Express
How the Grinch Stole Christmas

We have already watched a few. Christmas movies are my favorite. Oh, and a brillant idea I had...since we only own less than half of these movies, we signed up for Netflix, two week free trial, and got all our Christmas movies through them . Now we actually have something to look forward to when we check the mail!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Do Something Good
Porn-Free, Family-Friendly Broadband Internet
istockphoto: pixhook |
Kevin Martin, Chair of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), has a Christmas present in mind for Americans. He is backing a plan to take a bundle of inactive airwaves for wireless broadband and offering it for free. To make this sugar plum even sweeter, Martin's condition is that this service also be porn-free. If this plan is backed by a vote at the FCC's December 18 meeting, adult content will be blocked on these airwaves.
Urge FCC Commissioners to Yes for this plan by contacting them at their offices: Deborah Taylor Tate (202-418-2500), Michael Copps (202-418-2000), Jonathan Adelstein (202-418-2300), and Robert McDowell (202-418-2200).
I called all four commissioners and all I said was, "Hi I'm calling to let Commissioner Taylor (or whoever) that I support the plan to have porn-free broadband." They let me know that my support was noted and that was it. Easy. Takes two minutes or less and you are doing a good thing. So call now!
Oh and don't forget to vote on my very important poll to the right too!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Bring it on!
Entry #1: Florida Getaway
And if you can't tell which one is Gordon's then why are we even doing this poll?
For my 100th Post I thought I would do the usual- 100 things about me. I tried to make it as interesting and true-to-life as I could. Heeere's ME
1. I am a bit of a drama queen
2. I am shy too
3. I love watching clouds
4. I have a birth mark on my neck that looks like a hickey
5. I have big nostrils (according to my husband)
6. I have “second grader ankles”
7. I talk to myself way too much
8. I talk about myself in the third person when I am talking to Gordon
9. My eyes turn green when I am really tired or when I cry
10. I said no to my husband the first time he asked me to marry him
11. As a kid, I always put minivan down as my dream car when playing MASH
12. I have an addiction to chocolate
13. I am way too hard on myself
14. I HATE seafood
15. Actually I am a very picky eater; I hate hot dogs, green beans and most vegetables, fatty meat, the list could go on...
16. I love to watch movies
17. I love celebrity gossip magazines – not enough to buy them, just enough to hold up the line at the supermarket
18. I am learning to love to cook
19. I am lazy
20. I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac
21. I took piano lessons for 7-8 years and I cannot play hymns, or anything anymore for that matter
22. I took sewing lessons for 5 years and now I cannot even read a pattern
23. I depend too much on my husband
24. I love being part of a big family
25. But I don’t think I could have more than four kids
26. (Chris says no more than three)
27. I love to travel
28. I want to move to a big city when Chris is done with school but then move back after five years or so
29. I love to sleep in
30. I choked on a Gobstopper at a movie theatre
31. And I choked on a Cream Saver in seminary class—I can’t eat either candy without some anxiety
32. I was very boy crazy growing up
33. I want to be a photographer
34. I enjoy doing family history
35. I am one of those people that is sort of good at a lot of things but not really good at any one thing
36. I am a night person
37. I have really dry skin, wavy hair, and bad teeth (all those things kids love to inherit from their parents)
38. I like math
39. I don’t like shopping
40. I have to sleep with a pillow between my knees
41. I used to get bloody noses all the time as a kid
42. I have never broken a bone
43. I have had stitches twice…
44. Once when I was five; I was jumping on the bed and hit my head on the corner of a table
45. I didn’t tell my mom until I saw all the blood because I was afraid I would get in trouble for jumping on the bed
46. In March of ’07 I had to get stitches between my toes when I sliced my foot on a heater vent that was low to the ground.
47. And I drove myself to the emergency room (see Brian Regan clip)
48. I was asked several times growing up if I was anorexic because I was so skinny – and, no, I wasn’t
49. I love the smell of old, antique books
50. I have never won while playing BINGO
51. In fact I don't think I have ever one a drawing either
52. I guess I don't have very good luck
53. I am competitive
54. I am absolutely excited and terrified for Chris to be done with school this May
55. I have six brothers and two sisters
56. I am the fifth of nine children and suffer from middle child syndrome
57. I stress out too easily about really stupid things
58. I have really long toes
59. I hate it when people use their/there and were/we’re in the wrong context
60. Did I mention that I love to sleep
61. I collect shot glasses from places that I have traveled to (or I used to)
62. I have never been in a car accident
63. I did not go to my Senior Prom (sniff, sniff)
64. I am a bit of a pack rat
65. I was forty-five minutes late to my own wedding—not my fault
66. My birthday is on the 13th and every birthday that I have ever had on Friday has been awful, that I can recall anyway
67. I hate handling raw meat, especially chicken
68. My favorite color is green
69. I am really clumsy with my feet and always stub my toes
70. I have a cursed toe: the toe nail has fallen off twice and has been ripped off twice!
71. Chris irons clothes more than I do
72. I hate it when people have bad spelling
73. Autumn is my favorite season
74. Gordon was delivered by emergency c-section
75. I hate doing laundry
76. I love to make people laugh, even if I have to make fun of myself to do so
77. I am really bad at playing Hearts – I have the worst luck and always get the queen of spades
78. I get really embarrassed when I make a comment in church- my face turns red and everything
79. I love to quote movies
80. I want to go back to school
81. I love to learn new things but only if I am good at it
82. I took an art class in high school and really enjoyed it although I can’t draw worth beans
83. I was born in Layton, Utah and until I was about 12 years old I thought I was born in Ogden
84. I really wanted to serve a mission and didn’t want to marry Chris for that reason
85. I love to play games
86. I am way out of shape
87. I love surprises as long as I don't know that A surprise is coming, so I guess I hate suspense
88. I am too lazy to sort through the clearance racks to find a good bargain
89. I am always hungry
90. I associate family get-togethers with lots of junk food
91. Family is very important to me
92. Edison was born VBAC
93. Mexican food is my favorite, and Italian, and American...I just like food
94. I starred as the Wicked Witch of the West in a community Wizard of Oz play
95. As a tween I thought it would be cool if I had some sort of near death experience or was diagnosed with a life threatening disease. For some reason I thought it would make me a better person. Boy, am I glad I didn't get what I wished for.
96. I’m not as cool of a mom as I thought I would be
97. I am a little OCD when it comes to my fingernails. I can’t stand to have dirt under my nails; I hate it when my nails are uneven and not smooth, it drives me crazy. If one nail is short I have to cut all the other nails to match it.
98. I am still in my pjs
99. I love being a mother even though it is the most challenging thing I have ever had to do in my life
100. I am glad I’m done writing this list!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Ready for the Transition
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Thanksgiving Top Ten
- Pumpkin Rolls with Maple Streusel Filling
- Sweet n' Sour Meatballs and BBQ Weiners
- Pecan Pie
- Homemade Stuffing
- The Twilight Movie with all my sisters
- Playing board games every day! A new one we played that was fun - Hit or Miss
- Not having to entertain Gordon all day long, in fact not having to entertain Gordon at all!
- Girl Talk with my sisters
- Making crafts and projects with my sisters; my favorite-this book bag for Gordon
And getting the new books my mom gave Gordon for his birthday. We love reading them!
- Getting myself a sewing machine for Christmas at the Black Friday sales!