I am still trying to recover from my Thanksgiving break (laundry, unpacking- yes five days later, Gordon missing his papa and cousins, doing housework again...) You know the drill. But I have been thinking lately about Sippy Cups. Edison is ready to make the move but I don't know which brand to get. When we transitioned Gordon we bought about four or five different kinds before we found one that he liked. So what I want to know is...what sippy cups do your kids love?
My favorites when my kids were little were the Gerber ones...
I have the playtex ones now. I always go through that routine of buying different cups to try out. Good luck!
ones that I like to start out on is the REALLY cheap ones at target, they are clear (tinted) plastic and same with lids- there are like 5 that come with it. I like them because they are easy to suck and have a slightly longer spout than the playtex so Jack transitioned better. he could taste the juice leaking out (yeah they leak so careful) and seemed to suck naturally to get that sweet stuff flowing faster. I love em- Syd uses them all the time too still- I take em everywhere and don't care if I loose them. I still have the non-leaky platex expensive ones but I just use those for long outings and stuff. ??? maybe it helps?
I swear every cup we get leaks!! The best ones we have found for not leaking are the cheap ones at Wal-Mart...I think they are Nubie ...I think the are like 1.00 a piece...I think they might be a little too big for starter though.
I think we have a couple big playtex ones that do okay as well...but we spent a lot of money that all went into the garbage because we can't have ones that leak because Carter has to take water to bed with him...and he has to to hug it the whole night...so it has to be leak proof...anyways...
I really liked the playtex ones with the handles. The tip is sort of soft instead of a hard plastic tip so it was easier to transition to. Also, I have never had one leak. They are pretty durable too; Owen still uses the same ones we got for him when he was six months. Man, I sound like a spokesperson for playtex....
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