Friday, December 19, 2008

When it rains... pours. I just had a tonsillectomy yesterday. Gordon is vomiting and diarrhea-ing. Edison just had his flu shot and is having blow outs. Poor Chris has to take care of all of us. It seems like it is just one thing after another. Our laptop power cord broke so now we have to spend $100 on a new one. What else can go wrong? I just hope we are all better by Christmas. Chris is being so great. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of everyone and not complaining. What a great man! Speaking of Christmas, this is the first year Chris and I are doing our own little Christmas with our own little family. I am so excited to do our own thing. I am trying to think of some fun traditions to start. Any ideas for traditions to start with young kids? Please share. Hope everyones holidays are going a little better than ours! I am just glad I got all my Christmas shopping down weeks ago. Seriously, the best thing I could have ever done!


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry that your kids are still sick!! Let me know when they get feeling better and we can watch them and give you and Chris a break!
So, how are you feeling?
Oh and it looks like Gingerbread house #2 won, don't forget to reveal who made that one! :)
Also.. I'm still not done with my Christmas shopping!! I still need to get more for Konnor and I've not figured out a gift for my mother in law (so if you have any ideas please share!!) Hopefully Crystal is able to babysit my kids tomorrow so I can finish shopping!

I just realized Russ is signed in and I don't' feel like signing him out so just to make sure you know this is Hilarie :)

Des said...

holy cow! I hope YOU get better fast too. Tonsils are rough on adults. And all the kids and money! ah. I am so sorry. frustrating. I hope you guys have a merry christmas in the end!.

Happy Housewife said...

So was it better/worse than you thought? Since I promised not to call you, I'll just bug you on your blog. Hopefully it was much less painful than you thought, and your recovery will be extra speedy. Is Gordon seriously still sick? Good thing we didn't get together with you - Craig would NOT be happy if the girls got sick:). Love you and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Emily my love:) i am so sorry, it doesn't sound like your having very much fun. I hope that you all recover fast so that you can enjoy your first Christmas as a little family. At least you have a good man to take care of you! I am so excited to see you guys on Christmas day:) I love you and I hope you feel better.

Sandra said...

I'm so sorry that you arn't feeling well. I didn't know you were going in for a tonsillectomy. I hope you all get better soon!!!