Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nightmare Before Christmas

Nightmare OF Christmas. Nightmare all around. We took Gordon in to the hospital on Monday (the 22nd) for dehydration. He had been sick for two weeks with this stomach flu and it was just getting worse. Edison had caught it too so the doctor admitted him as well. We had both our boys in the hospital three days before Christmas! It was not fun.
The poor boy was so dehydrated it took three tries to get an IV in him. He was not happy. We left Tuesday night and were hoping the worse was behind us... Not so lucky. Christmas Day came and went. Gordon was still sick. He wasn't even interested in opening all his presents. He is really whiny and (thinks) he can't do anything himself. So we have missed out on all the family fun and Christmas festivities; feel sorry for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for New Years.


*LaUrA* said...

Oh Emily I do feel sorry for you...and on your first Christmas alone and trying to make traditions...same thing happened on our first Christmas alone...except it was Josh and I who were so sick we couldn't move. Blast! I really hope your boys start feeling better and I will pray they do! Hopefully you can all start the New Year healthy!

Unknown said...

That picture is so sad.. I do feel sorry for you and for poor little Gordon. Kambree and Konnor have remembered him at their bedtime prayer.. it is so cute. I hope that he gets better really soon.

Lara said...

Boo. How sad for all of you! That would be thee WORST!
But I hope you have an awesome New Years with your sweet handsome boys.

Tina said...

Oh my. That doesn't sound fun. Hopefully they are both healthy again soon!

Sandra said...

Wow I do feel sorry for you. To have them both sick, thats so sad. I hope they are better soon!

LeeAnne said...

Oh dear... I'm so sorry, that really is awful! There's nothing worse than having your kids so sick, except maybe having them so sick on Christmas... no wait, they really are so sick on Christmas :( I hope they get to feeling better really soon (and you too! Tonsillectomy recovery can't be too much fun either!)

Jake, Tayli, Jayli, Kynli & Charli said...

Oh geeeez. I feel so bad for you! Sick kids, hospital bills. At least it wasn't ON Christmas. Just remember it could always be worse!

Sean and Kyla said...

so sad. but that is a great picture, mostly because for me at least, I love how it looks old and like those classic pics moms would have of us at that age sick in bed. still a cute kid though, at least you have cute kids that were sick, if you had ugly kids that were sick...oof, that might be a bit tough. lol. hope you are feeling well now too.