"Over the years I have learned that motherhood is much like an austere religious order, the joining of which obligates one to relinquish all claims to personal possessions." -- Nancy Stahl
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Like father like son
I want you to look at this picture and tell me what you see...
beside the huge holes in Chris's socks. Gordon has to be like his daddy in every way, even the small things. I love when Gordon crosses his feet. It just seems like such an adult thing to do. Storytime with dad is his favorite part of the day.

Friday, November 21, 2008
Fire Station
A couple weeks ago we went to the fire station. Fun right? Every boy's fantasy? Obviously not Gordon's.
The whole time he had his hands covering his hears, afraid the trucks siren would go off. Even after I asked the nice fireman to explain that he would make no loud noises without warning us first, Gordon insisted on covering his ears. 
When everyone else gathered as close as they could to see what the fireman would show them next, Gordon was at the opposite end, preparing for the worst.
When everyone got up into the back of the ambulence, Gordon wanted me to hold him. I eventually got him to pose on the front of this fire truck. Not very willingly though.
There was one thing that brought a smile to his face. At the very end, the fireman said he needed Jr. Firefighters and gave everyone a helmut and sticker. Finally a smile!

When everyone else gathered as close as they could to see what the fireman would show them next, Gordon was at the opposite end, preparing for the worst.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Walking Soon?
My 8 1/2 month old is now doing this...

Which means there is a lot of this...
and this...
and of course this...
my favorite part.

my favorite part.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Celebrate Good Times
Come on sing the song with me: Celebrate good times, come on! Let's celebrate. There's a party going on...
Why am I celebrating you ask. Because I just filled up my car with gas today and the price of gasoline is now $2.13! I never thought I would see this day. Just for kicks and giggles I looked up in my little wedding album journal the price of gasoline when we got married and it was $2.09. That was 4 1/2 years ago. I don't understand how just a few months ago gas was over $4 and seemingly just like that its back down to what it was 4 years ago! Will someone please explain to me how this works?
Why am I celebrating you ask. Because I just filled up my car with gas today and the price of gasoline is now $2.13! I never thought I would see this day. Just for kicks and giggles I looked up in my little wedding album journal the price of gasoline when we got married and it was $2.09. That was 4 1/2 years ago. I don't understand how just a few months ago gas was over $4 and seemingly just like that its back down to what it was 4 years ago! Will someone please explain to me how this works?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Birthday Bash
Saturday we had a joint birthday party for Gordon and his good friend Terin who also turned three and lives down stairs. Here come the birthday boys...
Gordon has been so excited all week about his birthday. Everyday he tells me, "lets have a party!" He even told Terin the present that he got him, "its a secret, I got you a digger." Gordon was as happy as a clam that it is finally his big day.
We did Disney Cars themed. We had pin the tire on the car, relay race to push a bike tire around the cones, and of course a pinata. Gordon and Terin had a good time hitting eachother with their party blowers while they were supposed to be eating.
Mandee made the cake so I got out of it this year! Woohoo! She did an awesome job too. It really was a fun day.
Thanks to all who came and made it a special day for Gordon.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Dancing With the Stars
Can I just say, I love Dancing With the Stars. I don't have TV so I watch it a day late and I just finished watching it. I want to say a few things and since Chris is up on campus doing homework I'll have to say them to you.
- Brooke Burke should just take the trophy and end the show. I hate it when the judges (particularly Len) judge her more harshly because she is better than everyone else. NOT FAIR.
- I think they were entirely too hard on Cody Linely's Latin Dance. I loved it; my favorite - the solo 15 seconds. Oh and I am so glad Julianne is back next week. I can't stand Edyta!
- I couldn't help but stare at Kym's stomach after her last dance. Man I would kill for a stomach like that.
- I am so glad Susan Lucci is gone. I couldn't stand her
- And finally, would someone please tell me who gets voted off? I can't wait till tomorrow to find out. My guess is Maurice Greene.
Monday, November 10, 2008

I love Fall (Autumn, Harvest, Halloween, Thanksgiving and all other names associated with this time of year.)
I love hearing the crunch as I walk through the fallen leaves. I love how Gordon cannot walk past a pile of leaves without walking through it. I love the leaves as they change colors and finally fall off leaving the streets and sidewalks covered in gold.

Lately Chris has been dreaming up all sorts of places he wants to move when he is done with school (May '09 Baby!) His favorites are: San Diego, Texas, Las Vegas...anywhere warm and all I can think is, "no more autumn."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
New thing. Go to this website:http://labs.wanokoto.jp/olds
put in a picture and make it look really old and then you can do a cool collage of old framed pictures.
To My Boy on His Birthday
Dear Gordon,
You are such a special boy. I keep wanting to call you my little boy but you aren't anymore. You are such a BIG boy. You have recently mastered potty training, dress yourself, can buckle yourself into your car seat, take care of your little brother, and insist on doing everything yourself (except pick up your toys!) Oh, and lets not forget your ABC's. You love to sing that song and also adapt it to make other new songs. You bring so much joy in to my life. Not a day passes that you don't make me laugh--even when I am mad. The other day I put you in time out in your room and after a few minutes came to check on you and you had put Edison's pants on and you looked so silly I couldn't help but laugh and I wasn't mad anymore. Thank you for helping me to be happy. I love sitting and snuggling with you while we read stories. Your favorite stories right now are: Kiss Me I'm Perfect, Three Little Pigs, and Ella Sarah Gets Dressed.
Three of my most favorite things about you:
Gordon you have brought so much joy into our family in these three years you have been with us and I love that I get to be with you everyday to watch you grow bigger and smarter. When you were a baby about Edison's age, your daddy and I took turns working and taking care of you. It hurt me so bad to be away from you when you were learning those first things in life. I never want to miss anything again. I love you so much.
Love, Mom
You are such a special boy. I keep wanting to call you my little boy but you aren't anymore. You are such a BIG boy. You have recently mastered potty training, dress yourself, can buckle yourself into your car seat, take care of your little brother, and insist on doing everything yourself (except pick up your toys!) Oh, and lets not forget your ABC's. You love to sing that song and also adapt it to make other new songs. You bring so much joy in to my life. Not a day passes that you don't make me laugh--even when I am mad. The other day I put you in time out in your room and after a few minutes came to check on you and you had put Edison's pants on and you looked so silly I couldn't help but laugh and I wasn't mad anymore. Thank you for helping me to be happy. I love sitting and snuggling with you while we read stories. Your favorite stories right now are: Kiss Me I'm Perfect, Three Little Pigs, and Ella Sarah Gets Dressed.
Three of my most favorite things about you:
- when you come into my room in the morning to wake me up
- the way you sigh, "oh funny funny" after you laugh
- the fact that you are such a mimic (it keeps me on my toes!)
Gordon you have brought so much joy into our family in these three years you have been with us and I love that I get to be with you everyday to watch you grow bigger and smarter. When you were a baby about Edison's age, your daddy and I took turns working and taking care of you. It hurt me so bad to be away from you when you were learning those first things in life. I never want to miss anything again. I love you so much.
Love, Mom
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Genius Boy
I love it when Gordon learns something new. He can sing his alphabet now. Here's a video of it and pay close attention to how he says "LMNOP." It is so dang cute.
Chris got him an alphabet book and we are working on writing the letters. I can't believe how big my little boy is getting. And Edison too! He has recently discovered how fun doorstops are. And he knows they are behind every door so no matter what room he is in, he will crawl behind the door to play with it. We buy him all these toys and he plays with doorstops. (Name that movie, quote is altered to fit this situation. The actual quote is "We buy him all these toys and he laughs at the walls.") Update: Since writing the above Edison has also started to stand while holding on to furniture. He is 8 MONTHS! He is still unsteady and falls the majority of the time but he still does it. He just wants to be a big kid like his big brother!
Chris got him an alphabet book and we are working on writing the letters. I can't believe how big my little boy is getting. And Edison too! He has recently discovered how fun doorstops are. And he knows they are behind every door so no matter what room he is in, he will crawl behind the door to play with it. We buy him all these toys and he plays with doorstops. (Name that movie, quote is altered to fit this situation. The actual quote is "We buy him all these toys and he laughs at the walls.") Update: Since writing the above Edison has also started to stand while holding on to furniture. He is 8 MONTHS! He is still unsteady and falls the majority of the time but he still does it. He just wants to be a big kid like his big brother!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
October Festivities
We have been having too much fun the last couple of weeks and I haven't had the time to post about it all. So this is my massive make-up, picture-overload post. Enjoy...
By the way, trick-or-treating was a blast. We went around door to door with some of our neighbors and it was tons of fun. 
We had a Frankenstein, UPS man, Care Bear, witch, Gabrielle (from High Shcool Musical?), and Buzz
The kids loved looking for houses "with the lights on." Terin, our neighbor friend, would get so
I should mention that all these pictures are courtesy of Hilarie, our family photographer. She just follows us around and takes pictures of our cute little selves. (laying the sarcasm on pretty thick) Thanks Hilarie!
We went to this fun Halloween Carnival up on campus put on by the Sororities and it was lots of fun. We got to ride the bus on the way up to campus and I think that was the kids' favorite part.
Waiting for the bus to arrive, the kids entertained themselves by throwing leaves on each other. That is once they got bored of just sitting there.
On the bus the kids wanted to sing the bus song: "Wheels on the Bus" and of course we had to oblige. And the boys thought it was sooo cool how it made your "bum bumpy."
And how could we forget about cute little Edison who was such a good boy the whole time.

We also went to the Pumpkin Walk and the kids had a blast.
The best part about the pumpkin walk is getting your picture taken in these cute little things...
And my personal favorite, Yoda!

Eating lunch afterwards. It really was a great day. I just love October!

We had a Frankenstein, UPS man, Care Bear, witch, Gabrielle (from High Shcool Musical?), and Buzz
The kids loved looking for houses "with the lights on." Terin, our neighbor friend, would get so
excited and kept saying, "the lights are on, look, the lights are on..." Every house that we went to that had leaves in the yard the kids couldn't help but jumping in them. It really was a great night. Hope yours was too.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wanna See Something Amazing...
My friend spent a lot of time, effort, and money making her family's Halloween costumes this year. She is entering costume contests to try to win some money back. Go vote for her here:
I know, unbelievable. All home made. If you want to see the whole progress visit her blog. And don't forget to vote. I checked out some of the competition and there is none. It is pretty much all girls in some sort of lingerie. Disgusting.
http://www.sugarloot.com/entry/953760721 And here are the amazing costumes you are voting for

I know, unbelievable. All home made. If you want to see the whole progress visit her blog. And don't forget to vote. I checked out some of the competition and there is none. It is pretty much all girls in some sort of lingerie. Disgusting.
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