I should mention that all these pictures are courtesy of Hilarie, our family photographer. She just follows us around and takes pictures of our cute little selves. (laying the sarcasm on pretty thick) Thanks Hilarie!
We went to this fun Halloween Carnival up on campus put on by the Sororities and it was lots of fun. We got to ride the bus on the way up to campus and I think that was the kids' favorite part.
Waiting for the bus to arrive, the kids entertained themselves by throwing leaves on each other. That is once they got bored of just sitting there.
On the bus the kids wanted to sing the bus song: "Wheels on the Bus" and of course we had to oblige. And the boys thought it was sooo cool how it made your "bum bumpy."
And how could we forget about cute little Edison who was such a good boy the whole time.

We also went to the Pumpkin Walk and the kids had a blast.
The best part about the pumpkin walk is getting your picture taken in these cute little things...
And my personal favorite, Yoda!

Eating lunch afterwards. It really was a great day. I just love October!

We had a Frankenstein, UPS man, Care Bear, witch, Gabrielle (from High Shcool Musical?), and Buzz
The kids loved looking for houses "with the lights on." Terin, our neighbor friend, would get so
excited and kept saying, "the lights are on, look, the lights are on..." Every house that we went to that had leaves in the yard the kids couldn't help but jumping in them. It really was a great night. Hope yours was too.

i LOVE his outfit! LOVE BUZZ. those pumpkin pathces are so much fun. all the pictures are so cute. Edison looks so cute with his big eyes and hand in his mouth... cute!
Trick or treating was so much fun, I'm glad we all went together. The kids were adorable!
Is that the lady that was asking us were we lived???
It looks like you've been busy but having lots of fun. The kids look so cute!
Looks like you had tons of fun. Gordon makes a cute Buzz!!
And thanks for posting our costumes too! Hopefully we'll win that silly contest!
Gordon Buzz Lightyear is the best, so cute!
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