I want you to look at this picture and tell me what you see...

beside the huge holes in Chris's socks. Gordon has to be like his daddy in every way, even the small things. I love when Gordon crosses his feet. It just seems like such an adult thing to do. Storytime with dad is his favorite part of the day.
I do have to say that I noticed the socks first - but you did point them out after all. :)
You're right though, its cute that Gordon is copying his dad. They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. He must really look up to his daddy!
Oh, so cute! Don't you love great dads (and husbands)? I hope you survived your shopping outing!
I too noticed that socks first... I hope Chris adds socks to his Christmas list...
Anyway, way cute picture of the two of them. I love when you catch your kids doing the same thing as you or daddy... too cute.
seriously, so cute. I LOVE too when little kids cross their feet or legs, it's just so adorable!
That is so cute!
The first thing i saw was the SOCKS on chris's feet.. haha But i gotta say i love how little BOYS have to be like there DADS!!
That is adorable! Love the socks!ahhahahahahah!
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