"Over the years I have learned that motherhood is much like an austere religious order, the joining of which obligates one to relinquish all claims to personal possessions." -- Nancy Stahl
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday is my fourth anniversary. That’s right, I’ve been married to my husband for four years! I know, I can’t believe it has been that long either. Well, I thought I would write a little message about how wonderful my husband is. I know I have a problem with taking Chris for granted. He does so much for me and our family. He goes to school full time (and has a 3.85 GPA), works part time, and is also a full time husband and father. He helps me out so much. When he comes home and I have had a crazy day and I still haven’t got dinner even started, he doesn’t complain or ask what in the world I have been doing all day. He just starts making dinner. He also puts Gordon to bed every night. He does everything: pajamas, brushing teeth, reading stories, etc. Another wonderful thing Chris does for me is clean my car every other week AND he takes Gordon with him. So not only do I get to sleep in Saturday but I also get the whole morning to myself and I get a clean car. Man, am I one lucky woman. Chris is my perfect half; he helps me to lighten up and not to stress out about the little things. I know that me needing to lighten up might come as a surprise to some of you, but I take my role as a wife and mother a little too serious sometimes and Chris reminds me that I am doing a good job and to just relax once in awhile. I am so glad that I am married to a wonderful man who makes me a better person. I love you!
My friend is trying to sell her house. Here is her website. http://4sale-logan.blogspot.com/ It would be awesome if you could post this on your blog too and we could get her house sold! Don't underestimate the power of a blog! =)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Kids Say the Darndest Things
I have this on my sidebar and it is nice because I can just write something real quick without having to be eloquent enough for a post. It was getting a little too long but I still want to remember these little things.
4/19/08 - Today Gordon was helping me take out the trash. He was carrying a small bag with some recyclables. It was really windy and when the wind caught his bag he seriously looked like he thought he was going to blow away. It was so funny and I couldn’t help but laugh at his serious face.
4/14/08 - Everytime there is a bump or loud noise Gordon gets scared and says its monsters. I have to explain to him that it is just our neighbors. (We have really loud neighbors.) The other day we were at the park and there was this noise like firecrackers or something and we all asked "what was that?" Then Gordon offered, "Nee-mbers" (Neighbors). It was so funny because he said it so matter-of-factly.
4/7/08 - Today we were taking turns throwing a big bouncy ball into a laundry basket and I kept missing it. Finally Gordon says, "Watch," throws the ball in, "okay." Then he did it again to make sure I saw how to do it right. Hey in my defense I was holding Edison so my throwing arm was off.
4/6/08 - Chris was trying to get Gordon to help pick up toys and Gordon asked, "Josh come over?" Chris says no. "Bridget come over?" Chris again says no. This went on about three or four times. Apparently we only clean house when people come over.
3/26/08 - Gordon is sick right now with a runny nose and so we are telling him no kissing Edison. Today I was snuggleing with Gordon and have him a kiss on the head and he said, "No kisses mom!"
3/25/08 - Gordon is talking a lot better now. He sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Rock-a-bye Baby. Today I caught him saying the words to a book I read to him. It is so cute and just warms my heart.
4/19/08 - Today Gordon was helping me take out the trash. He was carrying a small bag with some recyclables. It was really windy and when the wind caught his bag he seriously looked like he thought he was going to blow away. It was so funny and I couldn’t help but laugh at his serious face.
4/14/08 - Everytime there is a bump or loud noise Gordon gets scared and says its monsters. I have to explain to him that it is just our neighbors. (We have really loud neighbors.) The other day we were at the park and there was this noise like firecrackers or something and we all asked "what was that?" Then Gordon offered, "Nee-mbers" (Neighbors). It was so funny because he said it so matter-of-factly.
4/7/08 - Today we were taking turns throwing a big bouncy ball into a laundry basket and I kept missing it. Finally Gordon says, "Watch," throws the ball in, "okay." Then he did it again to make sure I saw how to do it right. Hey in my defense I was holding Edison so my throwing arm was off.
4/6/08 - Chris was trying to get Gordon to help pick up toys and Gordon asked, "Josh come over?" Chris says no. "Bridget come over?" Chris again says no. This went on about three or four times. Apparently we only clean house when people come over.
3/26/08 - Gordon is sick right now with a runny nose and so we are telling him no kissing Edison. Today I was snuggleing with Gordon and have him a kiss on the head and he said, "No kisses mom!"
3/25/08 - Gordon is talking a lot better now. He sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Rock-a-bye Baby. Today I caught him saying the words to a book I read to him. It is so cute and just warms my heart.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Saturday we gave both our boys haircuts. Chris is very particular about the hair on our boys' heads. I finally convinced him to buzz Gordon's head for the summer. All my brothers had buzzed heads growing up and so I like it. Chris thinks it looks silly. I must say Gordon looks like a different boy with his hair short. And we decided to give Edison a little trim because he only had really long hair in the back and the rest had fallen out. You can't see it that well in the picture but it does look better.
And just a little heads up. My computer is now deciding when it will work and when it won't. Tonight Chris got it working thankfully, but who knows how long it will last.
And just a little heads up. My computer is now deciding when it will work and when it won't. Tonight Chris got it working thankfully, but who knows how long it will last.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
No More Messes!

Friday, May 16, 2008
What is with serving sizes?
Chris and I have known for quite some time that we need to be more aware of what we eat and start eating better. We both have never had to think about what we eat so its kind of new for us. And some of you might say we are lucky but I would think twice...We don't really know how to control ourselves or even where to start. I mean we want to eat healthy but without seeing immediate results, it is kind of hard. I keep telling Chris he is going to get diabetes with all the sugar he eats. Seriously, he cannot control himself. Anyway, where I am going with this...have you ever noticed how ridiculous serving sizes are. I am going to post a clip of Brian Regan talking about it because he says it much better and funnier than I could.
I just love Brian Regan. If any of you are interested, this movie clip is from I Walked on the Moon. He has other great stuff I might post later on. And if any of you have any suggestions as to where we could start with eating healthier, that would be great!
I just love Brian Regan. If any of you are interested, this movie clip is from I Walked on the Moon. He has other great stuff I might post later on. And if any of you have any suggestions as to where we could start with eating healthier, that would be great!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dyson Man
I have a confession to make. I am in love with the Dyson man.
There he is. Isn't he handsome? Okay, so its not about beauty, its about brains. He is an inventor and most importantly the guy on all those Dyson commercials. I don't know what it is but I love those commercials. I think it is the fact that he is an older wiser man and every word he says just makes perfect sense. I believe everything he tells me; I trust him completely. I think his inventions are awesome and I admire him for taking something that to him is flawed and making it better. I tried to find my favorite commercial but couldn't so here are a few good ones. If you are really interested go to his website http://www.dyson.com/about/ads/ Please visit and let yourself be whisked away by this man. My favorite is the failure one.

My Baby

This is one of his smiles that just melts my heart! The camera didn't do it justice though, sorry.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
I have the best mother in the whole world. Being a mother myself has really opened my eyes to how wonderful and selfless my mother really is. Motherhood is more than a full time job it is your whole life. My mom got married at nineteen and had her first baby less than a year later. Eight more kids and thirty years later, she is still being an awesome mother and the best grandmother. It comforts me to know that she went through a lot of the same things I am going through right now. She had two kids while my dad was still in school and working. She went through a lot of difficult times raising a young family while my dad was traveling a lot for work but never once did she regret being a mother. My mom has taught me that being a mother is a wonderful calling in life and that it is something to be treasured not wishing it away or holding on until the kids are grown up and gone. I know my mom feels like she could have been a better mother but I honestly think she is the perfect mother for our family. Being a mother is such a selfless job and I am not very good at it yet but I am lucky that I have such a good example to follow. Whenever I am confronted with a problem concerning raising my family I always try to think what my mom would do. I know I can always count on my mom to be there for me. Thank you for everything mom; I love you!
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Tribute to One Funny Man
Every two years we have a family reunion on my mom’s side and at this reunion there is always a talent show. Our family always pulls something together last minute and we usually make complete fools out of ourselves. Well at the last reunion, we did not have anything planned and at the insistence of everyone there I got pressured into doing a Chris Farley skit. Growing up, one of my families’ favorite movies was Tommy Boy. Chris Farley was my comedic hero. We loved to impersonate him and throw around some of the funniest movie lines. I think I used to be pretty good at doing him justice. I haven’t had much practice in awhile so I am a little rusty. The skit I got pressured into doing was the Chris Farley Show from SNL, a talk show where Chris Farley interviews Paul McCartney. My brother Brett filled in as Paul McCartney and we tried our best to make him proud with only two minutes to practice. Enjoy the “real” Chris Farley…
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'm Back...
"There never was a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him asleep."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Gordon rarely takes naps anymore so it is a pleasant surprise when I find him like this. And why, you ask, is his shirt unbuttoned? Well, he is in his totally independant stage and must do everything himself. Unfortunately he hasn't quite mastered the buttons yet. I only got the top two buttons done before he would have no more of it. Silly kid.

Sorry for the little blogging hiatus. Chris is done with school for the summer so when he is home instead of doing homework (or blogging)--we get to hang out. Yeah! What have I been up to? Well, you haven't missed much. Except we went to the circus on Monday. I forgot to bring my camera and I am truly sorry, for what I am about to tell you...well words just won't do it justice. It was a joke! I was robbed $30.00! It was pretty much like we were watching a fourth grade talent show. I was so ashamed that this was to be Gordon's first circus experience. The worst part- this woman "contortionist," if you could call her that, came out dressed in this horrendous outfit that didn't fit with the top and bottom busting out. It was hilarious when right before it started, Chris leaned over and said to me, "wouldn't that be awful if the announcer came out and was the performer too!" The next thing we know he is announcing the first performer to come out and who do you think it is...yep you guessed it, it was him! He did some lame balancing trick. Not only was he an announcer and a performer, he was bilingual. He kept switching back and forth between English and Spanish. He would say, "uno, duos, three!" To say the least, we left at intermission. I hate to think how bad the second act was.
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