I am so sick of cleaning Gordon off after he eats. Shouldn’t he be over this phase by now? I think he gets 1/4 of the food into his stomach. The rest is smothered all over his hands, his tray, and his bib. Sometimes we feed him oatmeal before bed if he didn’t eat very well that day. He loves to squish the oatmeal in between his hands and put spoonfuls of it into the pocket on his bib. (The pocket that is supposed to catch the food when it falls, yeah right!) So the other night I told him if he made any messes he was not getting any bedtime stories. I could just see his little mind churning, weighing the pros and cons. I was sitting at the table and when I looked over at him, his hand was paused in mid-air just about to catch the spoonful of oatmeal he was going to tip over. As he caught my eye, he got this devilish grin. After working out the dilemma, he decided against it and put the spoon in his mouth. Then again, some oatmeal accidently dripped off the spoon when he put it in his mouth and it landed on his tray. He so desperately wanted to smear it all over but once again I caught his eye just in time. It was so hilarious to see him think it out and consider the consequences. I am proud to say he only slipped up once when I mistakenly went out of the room for one minute. I told him he could have one bedtime story (we usually read him three or four) since he did a pretty good job of making no messes. You can't excpect perfection when I gave him such a hard task. =)
HOLY COW THAT LOOKS SOOOOOOOOOO YUMMY! Obviously you're a good cook. I, unfortunately, am no where near it. NO ONE would have a face like that after eating what I'd put infront of them! :)
Hhaah! At least he is all boy. Ethan hates getting messy. He starts freaking out when he gets his shirt messy. And he refuses to wear a bib unless it is perfectly clean. I swear this child his 30% gay..which would make sense coming from his Dad. :)
wow. that is one intense picture. and so cute. that's hilarious though!
Hey whatever works huh? Isn't spaghetti the worst! I cant tell you how many shirt in this house have been stained from that yummy red sauce. I hope Gordon keeps it up...to bad I can't use the same stratagy, Jacob is too young to understand that.
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