Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm Back...

"There never was a child so lovely but his mother was glad to get him asleep."-- Ralph Waldo EmersonGordon rarely takes naps anymore so it is a pleasant surprise when I find him like this. And why, you ask, is his shirt unbuttoned? Well, he is in his totally independant stage and must do everything himself. Unfortunately he hasn't quite mastered the buttons yet. I only got the top two buttons done before he would have no more of it. Silly kid.

Sorry for the little blogging hiatus. Chris is done with school for the summer so when he is home instead of doing homework (or blogging)--we get to hang out. Yeah! What have I been up to? Well, you haven't missed much. Except we went to the circus on Monday. I forgot to bring my camera and I am truly sorry, for what I am about to tell you...well words just won't do it justice. It was a joke! I was robbed $30.00! It was pretty much like we were watching a fourth grade talent show. I was so ashamed that this was to be Gordon's first circus experience. The worst part- this woman "contortionist," if you could call her that, came out dressed in this horrendous outfit that didn't fit with the top and bottom busting out. It was hilarious when right before it started, Chris leaned over and said to me, "wouldn't that be awful if the announcer came out and was the performer too!" The next thing we know he is announcing the first performer to come out and who do you think it is...yep you guessed it, it was him! He did some lame balancing trick. Not only was he an announcer and a performer, he was bilingual. He kept switching back and forth between English and Spanish. He would say, "uno, duos, three!" To say the least, we left at intermission. I hate to think how bad the second act was.


Sean and Kyla said...

oh my gosh, that's so funny...I too wish you had brought a camera...I can only imagine though how hilarious this must've been!

Sandra said...

Danika came home Friday with a free ticket to the circus but thankfully we had been forwarned about how bad it was. If I would have known you were going I could have warned you also.