Saturday, May 24, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I have this on my sidebar and it is nice because I can just write something real quick without having to be eloquent enough for a post. It was getting a little too long but I still want to remember these little things.

4/19/08 - Today Gordon was helping me take out the trash. He was carrying a small bag with some recyclables. It was really windy and when the wind caught his bag he seriously looked like he thought he was going to blow away. It was so funny and I couldn’t help but laugh at his serious face.
4/14/08 - Everytime there is a bump or loud noise Gordon gets scared and says its monsters. I have to explain to him that it is just our neighbors. (We have really loud neighbors.) The other day we were at the park and there was this noise like firecrackers or something and we all asked "what was that?" Then Gordon offered, "Nee-mbers" (Neighbors). It was so funny because he said it so matter-of-factly.

4/7/08 - Today we were taking turns throwing a big bouncy ball into a laundry basket and I kept missing it. Finally Gordon says, "Watch," throws the ball in, "okay." Then he did it again to make sure I saw how to do it right. Hey in my defense I was holding Edison so my throwing arm was off.

4/6/08 - Chris was trying to get Gordon to help pick up toys and Gordon asked, "Josh come over?" Chris says no. "Bridget come over?" Chris again says no. This went on about three or four times. Apparently we only clean house when people come over.

3/26/08 - Gordon is sick right now with a runny nose and so we are telling him no kissing Edison. Today I was snuggleing with Gordon and have him a kiss on the head and he said, "No kisses mom!"

3/25/08 - Gordon is talking a lot better now. He sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Rock-a-bye Baby. Today I caught him saying the words to a book I read to him. It is so cute and just warms my heart.


Tina said...

I love all of these. The sidebar is a great idea too!

Sean and Kyla said...

I'd have to concur with "tina's" comment, I always enjoy reading these on your sidebar too...not that I don't enjoy reading them as your current post, I'm just saying that's where they originally were and so that's where I enjoyed reading them, but now I also enjoy reading them in your post, ya get where I'm going with this?

Nick and Stacey said...

I love to keep notes on funny things my kids do! My mom did it when we were little, and I love to go back and read them it is so funny! I wish she would have done more! SO I think its great you are keeping track! Because I always say I will remember, but these days I can't remember something form 10 mins ago! ;)

Katie said...

You can add "poopey pants" thanks to Spencer:)

Lara said...

SO INCREDIBLY CUTE! Happy 4 year Anniversary!