Friday, May 16, 2008

What is with serving sizes?

Chris and I have known for quite some time that we need to be more aware of what we eat and start eating better. We both have never had to think about what we eat so its kind of new for us. And some of you might say we are lucky but I would think twice...We don't really know how to control ourselves or even where to start. I mean we want to eat healthy but without seeing immediate results, it is kind of hard. I keep telling Chris he is going to get diabetes with all the sugar he eats. Seriously, he cannot control himself. Anyway, where I am going with this...have you ever noticed how ridiculous serving sizes are. I am going to post a clip of Brian Regan talking about it because he says it much better and funnier than I could.

I just love Brian Regan. If any of you are interested, this movie clip is from I Walked on the Moon. He has other great stuff I might post later on. And if any of you have any suggestions as to where we could start with eating healthier, that would be great!


julie said...

I LOVE Brian Regan! Cranberry is getting into everything!!! So funny. I told Brandon about the Dyson man, when he got home from work. It was where he talks about drying your hands w/the air and how it doesn't work.. I was like, "Yes!!!" haha, we're the same.

Sean and Kyla said...

some pretty funny stuff : )

Sandra said...

I remember seeing that, have you posted it before? Good luck with your serving sizes!

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

That was pretty funny! That' how I feel sometimes shopping for food and trying to eat healthy! It's like you can't enjoy life anymore with a limited diet! Now, that I have a limited diet though, I feel way healthier!!! I would suggest by starting to add more salads into your diet. If you don't like salads, try having fruit for dessert instead of cookies!