Monday, October 27, 2008

I did it, I really did it.

I read The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura Schlesinger. I know, I know four and a half years of marriage and I am just reading this book. I never really thought I would do it was just after I had Edison and I felt like I had to do something for Chris because when we had Gordon I think Chris felt a little left out and it was really hard on him. Anyway, that's beside the point. The point is I read it and actually learned something. The reason I decided to do this post is because Chris has brought it up several times that me reading the book has made a big difference in our marriage. Most of the book suggested obvious things I was already doing but it was a good reminder. Here are some points I thought that really hit home for me:
  1. Men Need Women. And this gives us all the power, you just need to learn how to use that power. So if you wanted to be treated right, treat your man right. A lot of times we abuse this power (this is totally me) to get what we want. Women can be hypocritical at times.

  2. All men really need is Appreciation, Approval, and Affection.

  3. Men and women are different. She talks a lot about the feminist movement and I in no way consider myself a feminist but I found I have been influenced by feminist views just by growing up with it all around me. The world says men and women are equal meaning they should be treated the same. That is not true. We can't expect our man to be a "girlfriend" who can understand everything we need and to be our manly man. We are different. Embrace those differences (everything that makes him a man- even those annoying things) and they will compliment eachother.

  4. Not every thought and feeling needs to be said. Enough said.

  5. Now, if I may for a moment be a little frank. Reading this book did a lot for me in the intimate aspect of our relationship. I always just thought of Chris as a man who just has to have it and is not very sensitive to my needs. Dr. Laura said, too bad if you're too tired because sometimes your man is too tired to come home and play with the kids or help make dinner but he still does! Anyway, I won't say anymore about that, just that it really made me look at things differently. And I think that is the biggest reason Chris says the book helped our marriage!
And some might say, "what about us wives?" Well after I read the book and started trying out the concepts, I noticed Chris helping out more and just on average everything running a lot smoother. Now if I could just get Chris to read the Five Languages of Love...


Sandra said...

I've heard a lot about that book and I've wanted to read it for a while now. If you wouldn't mind I would love to borrow it. I always like those self or relationship improvment books. I always need to improve. LOL about #5 and that being the biggest reason Chris says it has helped your marriage he he. May I also recommend "The Peacegiver" by James Ferrell. It is a wonderful book that really made me look differently about our relationship.

julie said...

I loved this book. Maybe because I'm a bad wife. One thing that was too true for me was I'm allowed to be, "You hurt my feelings, poor poor me." But if he is anything close to that, I'm like, "quit being a baby!"

And I had never thought of how men needing sex is equivalent to women needing good conversation. Haha, imagine if our hubbies say, "I'm too tired. I don't want to." every night. Anyway, yeah, it helped our marriage a ton.

Tina said...

I've also heard good things about that book, but haven't read it either. Maybe one of these days I will. :)

Sean and Kyla said...

good to know!

Nick and Stacey said...

Nick e-mailed me and told me I should look at this....I guess I too need to read this book! I guess he is trying to tell me something....

Jake, Tayli, Jayli, Kynli & Charli said...

I read that book too! It was very enlightening. I learned a lot. I'm glad you liked it. Dr. Laura is a wise woman!

Hilarie said...

Perhaps that will have to go on my list of books to read...
Anyway- I need your email address and I can email all the pictures I've got from the last few things we've done. My email is

Lara said...

I've heard good things. I should read it. But I don't know if I'll have time between not making dinner and not doing the dishes.
I'm bad.

Melissa and Lance Atkins said...

Hello. I love your blog. Anyways, about that book...I hated it and Lance loved it. He didn't read it, but I summed it up for him: Women shouldn't expect their husbands to help them around the house and stuff because that's their job and women should sleep with their husbands whenever their husbands wanted to. I know maybe that's not the message she meant, but that's how I took it and Lance loved it. Anyways...