So it begins........its about time! Here's how it all started. I have been looking around for awhile for a kitchen mixer or blender for Gordon's birthday (November 9th- you can send gifts directly to the house or if you prefer to just send money that's okay too!) but couldn't find one anywhere. My friend informed me the other day that she just saw one at Wal-Mart so of course I piled the kids in the car and rushed off to Wally World before they were all gone. Gordon was so excited to see the blender (what can I say, I've got a protege in my hands here) but I told him he couldn't have it until he went pee pee in the potty. He acted like it was no big deal and that he would do it when he got home. I wasn't so sure. Well when we got home of course he threw a fit when I reminded him of our deal. After he calmed down, he asked to go on the potty and after a few minutes, sure enough he had done it! I wish I had the camera right then. He was so excited, jumping up and down with the biggest smile on his face, something along the lines of this-

We put him in big boy underwear, called daddy and grandma to tell them the good news, and of course gave him his prized possession, the blender.

I guess all he needed was a little motivation. I love his skinny little legs. So far, two days in underwear, no accidents. He has had little squirts in his undies but nothing drastic and he has even done #2 in the potty twice by himself! Any words of warning, advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Good job Gordon!!
I hope it keeps going so well! I love that first picture of him, so cute!
Hooray! Glad to hear he's doing so well so far. Hopefully he keeps it up!
Yaaa thats always exciting when they go a few days with no accidents. Umm... words of encouragement would be to not get discouraged if he does have a bad day. Praise Praise and more Praise. I'm sure your doing that though. That blender thing is cool, I've never seen one before.
Hey, I happened upon your blog. Your boys are so cute. I was reading your kids say the darndest things and laughing. Sounds like fun at your house! Glad to see your family is doing great
congrats! p.s. I love the "little squirts in his undies". lol. that's rich.
Hey Emily, I just wanted to check in and let you know I still look at your blog although I am not the best at commenting. I can't believe how big your boys are getting. What handsome little ones.
I'm so jealous. NOTHING is working for Spencer. He will ask for something and I tell him when he starts going pooh on the potty and then he'll tell me he doesn't want it anymore. Now if I ask him he'll say he's "too little and I need to wait until he's bigger"
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