After seeing so many cute pictures of your little ones, I decided I needed to be better about taking pictures of Edison. One morning I grabbed my camera, got down on the floor and prepared to snap adorable pictures of my adorable little boy. Well, it didn't quite work out that way. I spent about a half hour on the floor and all I got was...

BLURRY BABY! At least he's smiling, right.

Then he decided he wanted my camera...

He went right for it. I then came to the conclusion that a)it is really hard to take pictures of babies when they have just learned how to crawl or b)I am not as good at taking pictures as I thought I was or c)my camera really stinks. Let's just go with a. At least I got a few okay shots.

I'll post more about Edison when I can Photshop these pictures so they don't make you dizzy just looking at them. So really, what's the secret? I guess I just need to pull out the camera more often. That would be cheeper than, say, photography lessons!
oh my gosh, I love these pictures! I think that though you may not be happy with how blurry they appear, I would so take these over super-focused-but-no-smiling-baby pictures!
he is so cute! they are such good pictures, and it just shows how busy he is. haha I love them.
Blurry or not, they are still cute pictures. It looks like your camera is trying to focus behind him though... weird!
Anyway, I'm all for you taking more pictures. I love to see pictures. Go crazy!
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