Hip hip hooray! (everytime I say that Gordon says, "no mom; I don't want to go to the parade!" sorry for the tangent) I finally got Gordon's Halloween costume! I bought it on KSL Classifieds.

Okay, hold the phone, back up! I was looking for a picture to post. The one above is from the actual ad. I was looking up on the Disney store website (thats where the seller claims she paid $40 dollars for it.) And I found a much nicer one for $37.00 with shipping and I am going to pay $25 for this one. I don't have any experience with online buying and now I am feeling like maybe it wasn't such a good deal. What do you think? I haven't sent the money yet so I could still back out. The Disney Store picture looks better but does the costume really look like that or is it the product of a lot of editing and fancy advertising?! Excitment gone. Help me please.
well this is just me...but I would not pay 25.00 for a used costume unless I saw it first. You can get new costumes for that price. But that is JUST me! or bargain with the seller...tell her you will pay 15.00 and see if she accepts. Then you can go a littler higher if she doesn't accept and you still want it. Good luck with whatever you decide! Gordon will have fun no matter what!
I wouldn't pay $25 bucks for a used costume either. I just bought brand new ones on sale at old navy for $15 and they are super cute and warm for Halloween. I haven't bought anything from KSL except for our car. I've bought used stuff off Ebay though and I've been pleased, but the sellers have a rating system and I would only buy from a qualified one there.
oooo, that's a tough call. I still love the good ol' days when we were too poor to 'buy' costumes and used anything and everything from our dressup box. Rufio was still one of my favorite costumes. Or maybe this year's rendition of WALL-E will be better. I say if you really want Buzz, buy it...but $25 is quite a bit. Maybe that's just the cheap part of me talking. ; ) either way, your kids will look super cute in whatever they end up in, of this I am sure.
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