Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kids Say the Darndest Things Part:2

8/20/08 - Edison is the happiest baby ever! He smiles all the time, sleeps through the night, takes a bottle when he has to and is just a all around good baby. I am so blessed!

8/18/08 - The other day I asked Gordon to snuggle on the couch with me. Now he says, lets play snuggle mom! It is so cute.

8/10/08 - Today Gordon was wanting to call someone on Chris's cell phone. "I want to call something." After Chris asked him who he wanted to call Gordon said, "Um, Jesus."

7/12/08 - I was telling Gordon about the temple, trying to remind him how to behave and who was going to be there with us. I was naming all our family and telling him it was Jesus's house. Then Gordon said, "And Santa is going to be there." Where in the world did he get that?

7/12/08 - We came to the conclusion that Gordon has been spending too much time with his cousin Ashlynn when after I got him dressed to go to the temple open house he said, "I'm a princess!" Chris was concerned, "I leave for a week and this is what happens!?"

5/23/08 - We were in the car running errands and Gordon saw a digger and of course got very excited about it. He kept saying, "look Edison a digger; look!" It was so cute. I can't wait till they can really play together.

5/20/08 - Whenever we have to do something that Gordon doesn't like we say, "See, that wasn't so bad." Today Gordon was cutting his cereal with his spoon and I told him to quit playing and just eat. After he cut his cereal he said, "its not so bad mom." Thanks Gordon!

5/13/08 - Gordon has to say the pray by himself now and if we try to help him he will whip out his finger so fast and shush us, "No, I do it." Then he randomly says stuff about his toys or dinner and then we have to remind him how to close it or he could go on forever!

5/8/08 - Gordon has started doing this big sigh after I ask him to do something he doesn't like. It is so funny. I know he is got attitude but I can't help but laugh.


julie said...

So cute, I Love reading about the funny things your kids say!

Tina said...

I love these! Jesus at the temple is hilarious!!

Sean and Kyla said...

uh, I swear I just left a comment but it's not showing all I wanted to make sure was left was how seriously cute and precious these all are. and that my favorite is Gordon wanting to call Jesus. lol.