Everyone has been asking how Gordon is coping with having a baby brother in the house. Well, my answer thus far as been, he is doing great. Not to be pessimistic, but I keep wondering when he will start being a monster. Gordon is so sweet with Edison. Every time I change Edison's diaper Gordon has to be right there, patting his head and telling him everything will be alright. He just says, "its okay Edison" over and over again. It is so cute! He also likes to hold him and he is really gentle. He is always trying to stick his pacifier in his mouth whenever Edison starts to whine. He tried to feed him a bottle with some water in it today and got very upset when I wouldn't let him. I hope he continues to be such a good helper and that they become really good friends.
Darling! I love the matching PJ's. Gordon is such a sweet kid - its no wonder he's so great with his little brother.
They both look so yummy. Love the jammies. Can't wait to meet him.
The matching clothes are so cute! I'm glad he is being good. I don't think any of my kids really acted out. It's only Luke now that wants to play with Jacob but he's still to little to wrestle with. I hope your feeling well and getting your sleep, let me know if I can do anything for ya.
I bet he will still be great. Ethan is still a great big brother and it's been almost 10 months! I hope they stay best friends forever, that's probably a little wishful thinking, but it's possible right?!
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