Monday, March 31, 2008


If I may just gripe for one minute...One thing I cannot stand is when people are so absolutely unaware of anyone around them. This is never more prevalent than when I go shopping, especially at Wal-Mart. I was trying to hurry in to get some diapers while Chris waited out in the car with the boys. First of all this woman was coming out the entrance and left her cart right in front of the doors so I had to move her cart to get in! Then as I was trying to maneuver through the aisles numerous people were taking up the whole aisle and walking very, very slowly. Everyone knows that Wal-Mart is always crowded and should try to be aware of others around them. And as I was leaving this woman was talking on her cell phone and trying to talk to an employee who was at the door; then she stopped right in the door way and started to back up. I almost hit her with my cart, on accident of course! I mean do people honestly think that they are alone in this world? Let's be a little considerate of others please. Okay, I need to end this post because I said I would just gripe for a minute but come on...tell me I am not alone in this. Am I too impatient?!


Tina said...

Nope. You are not alone. There is nothing more frustrating than being in a hurry and being stuck behind slow, oblivious people. I feel your pain.

nathan said...

It's so cool too see all your nieces and nephews--well lots of nephews. SO much fun!!! especially since they are of your siblings that I kind of got to know. they are all cute. oh and I know exactly where Sarah is coming from...we are lucky if we make it through the first hour of church with sydney's hair still up :)

Lara said...

Walmart is THEE BEST place to go when trying your patience. I have thought many times how people there don't seem to see anyone else. I love Target so much more. Yet Walmart still beats them pricewise, dang it!

Sandra said...

Yep, I have to agree also. I not only notice it with adults. It seems like children are being raised to be oblivious to those around them also. I could go on but I guess thats a whole other topic.


I agree completely! Walmart is the worst...I wish we could afford to never step foot in there again.