I know this post is a little late but my camera battery died and so I was waiting on my sister-in-law to send me some pictures. I had my family down for a little Easter fun on Saturday. Everyone was able to make it except for Jake and Lexie (who we terribly missed!) It was a lot of fun. We flew kites and had an Easter egg hunt. The guys were glued to the TV seeing as how its March Madness but the girls and the kids had fun talking and playing. Gordon absolutely loves his cousins!

This is Ellie, Gordon, Spencer, and Ashlynn. The oldest one (Ashlynn) turned three last month, Ellie turns three next week, and Spencer and Gordon are three months apart so they are all really close in age and for the most part play really well together. It is so much fun.

Ashlynn is my brother Ryan's daughter. She is making such a sassy face here!

Spencer is my brother Chad's son and he is such a little rascal. He and Gordon never got along very well when they were younger but they had tons of fun on Saturday so there is still hope for them in the future!

Gordon had so much fun finding the eggs. He was so distracted, he couldn't even look away for two seconds to pose for a picture!

Ellie is my sister Sarah's daughter and I think she would want me to tell you that she
did have her hair up really cute earlier in the day but she took it out and wouldn't even hear about anyone touching it.

This is my brother Ryan with his son Owen. Can you believe this little guy is only 7 months! He is so cute.

And this is Fisher; he is my brother Brett's little boy. It is always so fun to have family together. Thanks everyone for coming!
As a side note: It snowed last night! It melted by the afternoon but still...will spring never come?! Mother Nature sure is a tease!
1 comment:
It's fun to see kids and notice how they look like their parents. So cute!
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