Gordon loves trucks. Garbage trucks, semi trucks, diggers, dumpers, tractors, buses, trains…pretty much anything big that moves. It is so funny because we will be driving and he will spot a tractor or digger anywhere. He just has an eye for those things. He loves to have his window open in the morning so he can look out at the world (or just the parking lot of the apartment complex next door.) He will climb up on his dresser and just sit there waiting for the garbage truck to come or lately we have seen a lot of moving vans. When the garbage truck leaves he always asks me to bring it back and I have to explain that I don’t have the power to do that.

“I did it!” Gordon’s favorite phrase. He has to make sure we know he did something. He is so proud of himself. He used to always put his shoes on the wrong feet and now when he puts on his shoes he has to point out to me that he did it. He’ll say, “look mom; right feet!” It is so fun to see him growing and learning new things every day.
Gordon fixed his own hair and I just had to take a picture. You can't see it very well but it is quite slicked down and has a big wave to the side. So cute!
Gordon is so helpful with Edison. He loves to hold him and kiss him. He has to be there when I am changing his diaper and he will tell me after I have used about three wipes, “That’s enough mom” and he will close the wipes. Whenever Edison cries he rushes to his side and gives him his pacifier. It is so cute to hear him say things to Edison that I say to him in such a mommy voice. I love how sweet he is to him.

Oh my goodness does this boy love to do the dishes. It is his favorite thing and I have to use it as an award/punishment sometimes. I have caught him several times in the kitchen doing dishes and making a big old mess. He is even getting so good he puts the dishes in the dishwasher too and can even unload some of the dishes. He is such a big help and loves to do anything in the kitchen.
When Gordon hears, "smile," he always squints his eyes as hard as he can. We now have to say, "show your teeth" instead.Gordon is such a daddy’s boy. Especially lately now that mommy’s attention is occasionally taken away by Edison. Last week Gordon threw the biggest fit ever when Chris had to leave for school. It made me so sad that the thought of staying home with mom was so horrendous! Gordon loves to do anything with his dad and he has to mimic everything he is doing. One time Chris was talking on the phone and talking very animatedly pacing around the room. Gordon was following him, talking on his phone, doing the same hand motions, and repeating words here and there. Some of Gordon’s favorite activities with his dad are: washing and vacuuming the car, showering and getting dressed, and of course wrestling and rough housing.

Some other things Gordon loves are vegetables, talking on his cell phone,
and talking on mom's cell phone,
playing crash, vaccuming, throwing rocks in water, and playing outside of course!
We love Gordon so much and are so glad he is a part of our growing family.
What a cute little boy! Those are great pictures.
Adorable! What a cute idea. I may have to steal it one of these days :). . . Gordon really is a cute kid. We have fun playing with him.
great pictures and great post. your little Gordon is quite the kid! I think my favorite picture would have to be the one where he is holding Edison, lol. so rich, but still so cute!
how cute is he!!!
How cute is Gordon, Mitchell and him would love to play together I bet, we should go to the park sometimes! That is if Nick will let us be friends, right now he says we cant because of the comment you made on the blog about soon Faye will be wearing Makeup and Talking to boys! Nick doesn't like to think about stuff like that!
he is so cute! It is so funny to read about him, because as a boy he is so different in many ways than Sydney- which means my life is so different than yours- I can't imagine playing with trucks right now, instead we have "dollies" hehe but I will get used to it quick...it gave me a reality check on how it will. Your boys are both so cute!
I love these little pieces of your life frozen in time. Gordon is such a sweet little guy.
Ethan is so alike in so many ways. "Look! The garbage truck, mom!!!" You'd think he just won a million dollars. I need to do this, so I don't forget all the cute/funny things that happen every day! Great idea.
you are a very lucky woman emily.
What a cute idea for a post! Gordon is getting so big! I remember all those fun times you and I had out in the halls during sacrament meeting when our boys were little!
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