Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anybody There?

Edison has this spot. On the wall. He looks at this spot whenever I am holding him; it doesn’t matter how I am holding him or the direction I turn him. His head will rotate wherever it needs to look at this spot. Sometimes he even smiles or coos while looking at his mysterious spot. Has anyone ever seen Heart and Souls? It reminds me of that; the baby has four souls attached to him and the parents remark that they buy the kid all these toys and he laughs at the walls. I like to think maybe it is my grandparents coming to see their great grandbaby. Or maybe an angel explaining this strange new world to him, “This is your mother. She is an interesting lady but just try to remember to honor your parents.” Or perhaps, “She is the one that will take care of you and always love you no matter what. This is Gordon, your big brother. He will be your best friend and you will have so many good times with him. This is your dad and he will show you how to be a man…” and so on and so forth. Chris says if ever there was evidence that the windows of heaven can open this is it. I am so glad I am able to witness the wonderful miracle of a brand new little baby.


Nick and Stacey said...

That is crazy! It really makes you wonder how close those little spirits that have just come to this earth really are! I really liked how you worded, and talked about things in this post.

Noss said...

that's really weird. and totally cool if it's the veil that is so thin to Edison. babies are rad.

Sean and Kyla said...

just had to say that I love that you put Heart and Souls because I was totally gonna put that as my comment but then you wrote it. some weird wild shtuff.