Friday, April 25, 2008

Funny Friday

I thought it would be fun to do a funny clip, article, or story every Friday. I am stealing this first one from my friend Sandra. It seriously made me laugh out loud. It is called "Binocular Soccer." Enjoy.

First of all, what is with their outfits? And the guy with the rabbit head at the beginning? Don't ask me... What will they come up with next?


Sean and Kyla said...

this is so great, I want to play! (and I swear that the guy host is from MXC, you ever watch that show? it's so funny...when it's not dirty!)

Noss said...

ha!! that part at about 1:30 where none of them can find it...classic

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Where on earth did you find this? It is hilarious!!!!!!