Monday, April 21, 2008

Finding the Perfect Medium

I have a problem being assertive. I am either over-top-aggressive or I am a push-over. I just feel like people, especially professionals, don’t take me seriously because I’m just a kid. I mean I know I’m not a kid but…I feel like it when I am talking to professionals. I guess I just got a lot of it when I was a teenager. Ya know, waiters, bank tellers, salesmen or anyone like that thinking that you were going to cause trouble or that you don’t understand something just because you are a teenager. I feel like people won’t take me seriously or take care of the problem unless I am aggressive and rather rude about it. Anyway, I needed to call our insurance agent because our account was charged an extra $70 this month and it is not the first time our account has been charged something other than the amount it should have been. I didn’t want to do it because I hate being the bad guy I always turn into when I have to deal with situations like this. Well, when I got the guy on the phone I explained what had happened and that we were very upset and frustrated that this kept happening. I feel like I did a pretty good job of letting him know the problem without being rude about it. And…today we got coupons for a free lunch at Hamilton’s saying how sorry he was about the problem! And for those of you who don’t know Hamilton’s isn’t cheap. So I hope I finally learned how to deal with problems in a graceful, polite way.


Tina said...

I don't really enjoy those sort of confrontations either. Seems like it paid off this time though.

Sean and Kyla said...

hey congratulations. I love those moments of assertiveness where you just feel so good afterwards for not giving in but for also not flying off the handle. I feel ya though, it is way hard and I too am still always working on this!

Sean and Kyla said...

oh and I forgot to attempt to answer your question on posting youtube videos. what I do, and I don't know if you've already tried this, is what I learned from my sis: when creating a new post, go to 'edit html' and where you want to insert the youtube video you just copy and paste the embed code-link-thing that you see on the youtube website. did that make any sense? hm, if not, let me know. but that's basically all you do : )

*LaUrA* said...

Good for you Emily! I have learned a lot that people will take advantage of you if given the opportunity and will not out right fix a situation if they don't have to. They wait until they are confronted to fix the problem. I was thinking about this a couple of days ago and thinking how many companies are making huge profits off their mistakes that the customer doesn't confront them about or just completely misses it. You don't have to feel like a "bad guy" when standing up for yourself. They are in the business of customer service and the companies have so much money they can't see straight. They have the ability to make things right and you just have to lead them along...and never settle for "NO" the first time...always go the next level up!!! The best thing I have learned is you do not have to get upset...ust stay calm and collected...but firm and matter-of-fact and people are more willing to help. I am getting pretty good at making sure we aren't jipped or treated unfairly!!

HOpe your meal at the expensive restaurant is delicious!!

Scoresbys said...

Emily, I can't even imagine you being upset or rude. I am the designated "deal with problems/customer service" person in our house. So this is how I look at it. How many people call customer service just to say "Thanks for doing what you should be doing." No one right. (And I don't think they should have to by the way.) So if it weren't for people calling to explain problems and ask for solutions, then the poor customer service people would have no jobs. Basically it's our assertiveness that keeps these people employed. If they ever get snippy with you, you can always say, "Hey buddy, thanks to me, you can feed your family tonight."

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

WAY TO BE ASSERTIVE! That's awesome you got dinner from Hamiltons out of it! Maybe I should work on my assertivness! ha ha

Sandra said...

Way to go!!! Thats great that they gave you coupons for Hamiltons. I guess I'm just rude....Sure I act calm and polite at first but if they can't solve the problem I ask for their advisors. Its especially annoying when they are hard to understand. I thought that when you push 1 for English you would get an English speaking person on the other end ha! Have fun at dinner!

Nick and Stacey said...

Nick and I were just having this same conversation, about how I don't like to call people if I have a problem because I always turn it into that it was my fault to begin with! I am trying to work on it and I am getting better, but usually i will just ask Nick to please call1