I saw this a while back on a lot of my friends blogs and I thought it was a cool idea that I wanted to carry on. How it works is I list my favorite things and then you leave a comment saying which of my favorite things is your favorite; after a week I will draw a name from all of the comments and then I will send that person the favorite thing (or if it is too expensive a gift card or something). Then that person has to do their own favorite things post and so on and so forth. You get the idea? Okay, so here goes...
My favorite things are:
1.Reading books with Gordon. Our favorites right now are King Bidgood's in the Bathtub, Green Eggs and Ham, and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (or Cookie Mouse as Gordon calls it) but it changes from week to week. If this is your favorite, please specify which book.
2. I love getting together with family and friends to play games. Once again specify your favorite out of these:
3. Curel lotion. It is the only lotion that heals my dry skin.
4. My food chopper from Pampered Chef. It says me so much time when I am cooking dinner. I use it for everything.
5. Chris and I like to watch TV shows and get really obsessed with them. Lost and the Office are our favorites right now.

I love Jim and Pam!!
6. Redbox, "next to the Walkman and Tab it is the coolest invention of the 20th century" (name that 80's movie), but I guess we're in the 21st century now aren't we?
7. Edison's smiles. I know people say its just the gas that makes them smile but I swear he smiles like he's got some inside joke or something, like he's saying, "I know something you don't know." It is so cute. I could try to get a picture of it but it is so fleeting I would have to sit there all day long with a camera in his face and I can't really do that when I have Gordon at my knee as well. And if you pick this one you can come over and hold Edison until he smiles at you. It really is precious.
8. Chocolate. Right now I am really craving Double Stuff Oreos or a Take 5 candy bar, if you haven't had one of these you really should.

9. Shade shirts.
http://www.shadeclothing.com/ My sister got some for me when I was pregnant and they are awesome. They are not actually maternity so I can still wear them and they are so comfortable and don't show the belly that I still have! Speaking of which I need to get some more because currently they are the only shirts I wear because of said fact that they don't show my chubbiness.
Now make sure to leave a comment; everyone participate, even those that don't usually leave comments or even have a blog (you know who you are.)
hm, I'd have to say that my most FAVORITE thing of your favorite things is The Office, oooh wait, that just might be a lie, it's tied with chocolate. I regularly have a handful of chocolate chips with milk sooo...yeah, it's a toss-up.
whew, did I do this favorite things right? I'm so nervous as the first person to officially comment. Oh gosh...I'm sweating. what if I was supposed to say something different? what if I wasn't supposed to really comment at all until someone else did? or what if....
(p.s. I'm sure I would've said Edison's smiles...but I haven't seen them so I can't lie ya know? I mean how much would it mean if I said that without having seen it? nothing. So in order to not diminish how great his smiles are, I will not put that as my favorite thing. unless that would mean you would HAVE to capture of a picture of his smile...then I SHOULD have put that as my favorite. dang. this game is too difficult for me! lol)
This is tough. . . I have lots of favorites (or would be favorites. lol). King Bidgood's in the Bathtub is huge around here as well. Dave and I already have it memorized, and Bridget knows quite a bit of it. And Curel lotion - LOVE IT. It saved my hands during potty training. A food chopper, I've been thinking I should invest in one - Sandra has talked hers up too (so I guess that's a would be). Redbox - a new favorite of ours. . . I'm more of a regular oreo gal myself (don't love the double stuff). And Shade, well, that's another wanna be favorite. I have another friend who swears by them - but I've never tried. Are they anything like the Downeast outfitter's wonder tee's?
Well, lol. That probably wasn't exactly what you were looking for - but hey. Lots of good things to love though. :D
OK, as the previous comments have mentioned, this is a really tough one to do. How about #10. I think that is my favorite. It should read "all of the above". OK, I will just pick one, but know that this is a really tough one to do. We wouldn't be friends if we didn't like similar things, right? Anyway, I would have to say, "The Office". I think I have to pick this one because it is also something that my husband loves. I love to do things with him, ya know.
Okay, The Office is my favorite too. I cannot wait until the new episodes start up this week! Wahooo!
Would you believe that I am so twentieth century that I've never used Redbox? I do also adore the long layering tees....hmm. And I've never played any of the games you've got listed up there.
I think that we like a lot of the same things (I do a mean rendition of Green Eggs and Ham!) And is the quote from Girls Just Want to Have Fun (referencing velcro?)
Katie, I am so glad you got the movie quote. I really didn't think anyone would get it. You seriously made my day!
Does that mean I get extra credit? ;)
Good favorites list. Just so I can toot my own horn...I want you to know I am the creator of this way too much fun to be had game! Can I get a "woot woot" Okay...sorry about that.
I can't seem to win at my own game though so I am crossing my fingers!! I am all for the games. I have read about the Ticket to Ride game and have always wanted to play!! I am going for that one!
Okay I would choose the books, but seeing as how my husband has been looking for the BANG game without any luck, I'll have to say that. Now don't feel bad if my name accidentally goes in there a couple more times than it's supposed to... I won't.
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